Chapter 9 Heartache and Heat

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The next few days were difficult for the omega. When he felt the urge to nest he broke down. He wasn't ready for another heat. He didn't want to try again yet. He held back as much as he could but when his instincts took over he lost control.

When he woke up from his nap he realized he was curled up in a nest. "No!" he cried and began to destroy the nest. "Don't want it!" He threw blankets out of the closet and kicked pillows under the bed angrily until he heard the front door open.

He collapsed into his half destroyed nest and laid his head in his hands.

He heard the alpha rush into the room.

"Oh baby. what did you do to your nest hm?" Aaron asked softly and knelt down to his omega.

"Don't call me that!" Spencer cried and began to scoot as far away from the alpha as possible.

"Spencer.." Aaron sighed. "How about we remake your nest and cuddle for a little while?" he suggested.


"Darling. You have to nest. Your body is preparing for pregnancy. You need to be as comfortable as possible. I can help I promise." he said softly and sat next to his mate.

"Go away.....please. I-i can't be around you. I-it hurts. J-just please.....I'm not ready." Spencer whimpered.

"What kind of husband would I be if I left you in this state?" Aaron chuckled slightly, "I'm not going anywhere darling." he pulled the omega close and rubbed his back.

"I-I'm so scared." Spencer finally whimpered.

"I know Sweetness. I know." the older rocked him gently, "Lets get this nest fixed up hm?" he offered. Spencer hesitated but nodded. His heat hadn't fully started yet so being around his alpha was more comforting than painful.

"W-what if we never have our own?" he whispered and looked up at Aaron.

"Our own what?" the alpha asked.


"Oh Spencer. Don't you worry. Trust me its normal for omegas to miscarry, especially male omegas." Aaron sighed and kissed his head. He pulled the omega up and helped him gather up the blankets. He allowed Spencer to do most of the work building the nest, it seemed to calm him.

"Perfect." the younger whispered under his breath as he finished. "Almost." He looked up at Aaron before pulling him into the nest with him and cuddling close.

He let out a whine of annoyance at the stiffness of the alpha's clothing. He tugged at the suit jacket, "Off." he demanded.

Aaron couldn't help but chuckle as he sat up to remove his jacket and tie.

He curled back into the nest and held his omega close. "Sleep Love." he whispered into the chestnut curls.

Spencer didn't respond right away. He seemed to be lost in thought. Finally he spoke. "Is it too early to try again?" he asked quietly.

"Of course not." Aaron said softly, "Your body is telling you that its not too early by starting your heat." he whispered.

"I-I want to try again." he looked up at Aaron with teary eyes.

"Okay Baby." the alpha smiled softly, "Are you sleepy?" he asked.


"Okay Darling. Let's get some food in your stomach yeah?" His chuckle was deep and warm. It made Spencer smile. The omega nodded and allowed himself to be lifted from the nest and carried to the kitchen.

While preparing the food it was obvious that Spencer's demeanor had changed. He became clingy, barely letting Aaron cook without kissing his jaw or hugging him from behind. The omega let out soft whines when Aaron didn't give him the right amount of attention.

"Sweetness" he chuckled, "I'm cooking."

"Hold meeee" the omega whined and clung to the man's back.

"I can't hold you right now silly omega." Aaron laughed and patted the boys head. Spencer gave an adorable pout.

Finally he finished cooking and plated the food. He picked Spencer up, the omega instantly clinging to him and placing feather light kisses along his neck and jawline. "Sweetness." Aaron let out a gorgeous groan at the kisses.

"Hm?" the omega didn't look up.

"You need to eat first." the alpha breathed, pants becoming far too tight.

"Fine." the omega pouted. His heat was just starting, not yet in full swing so he was able to hold back.

Once they finished eating Spencer began to whine and grind against his alpha. He turned around to face him, as he was situated on his lap. "A-alpha." he whined.

"Lets get you to the bedroom yeah?" Aaron chuckled.

"Noo. can't wait that long. Take me here. Please alpha?" Spencer begged and began to grind harder against his alpha.

"You sure darling? you've never ridden me before." Aaron pointed out.

"I-i can do it! I can! Please I need it so bad!"

"Well alright then." the alpha smirked and held Spencer's hips in place. He bucked his hips up into the omega. Spencer let out the most wonderful whimper, it drove Aaron crazy.

He quickly stripped the omega of his clothes and pulled out his own swollen cock. "You want my knot little omega?" he asked with a smirk.

"Y-Yes please alpha I need it!" he begged.

The scent of his heat mixed with his slick was so intoxicating. Aaron let out an animalistic growl and lifted the boy up. He positioned himself and set Spencer down on his swollen member. The omega moaned obscenely and clung to his alpha.

The younger instantly started to move himself up and down on the large cock. Aaron met his motions, bucking up into him. Spencer threw his head back in ecstasy.

Neither of them lasted long. Aaron could already feel his knot swell inside the omega. He gripped his hips and pushed his knot up into the wet heat. Spencer came with a shout as he was filled to the brim with his alpha's semen. Aaron's knot did a fantastic job of coating his womb with the sticky white substance. 

Spencer went limp in Aaron's arms and breathed heavily. "T-thank you. thank you. thank you." he murmured into the alpha's neck.

"Such a good boy for Alpha." Aaron breathed and rubbed his back. "Lets get cleaned up and get some sleep in thr beautiful nest of yours." he said softly. The two were still knotted together, as Aaron's knot had yet to deflate. He picked Spencer up, careful not to move him in any way what would hurt him.

He carried him to the bathroom and turned on the shower. His knot finally deflated and he carefully pulled out of the tired omega, earning a whine in response. "Like being full...." Spencer mumbled.

"I know but we gotta clean up baby." Aaron chuckled, "How about while you take a nap you can by my little cockwarmer hm?" he suggested with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

The omega nodded frantically with a wide smile.

"Okay little omega. Shower first." the alpha set him down and gave him a light smack on the ass as he ushered him into the shower.

Their shower did not last long, Spencer being far too tired to do much work at all.

Aaron turned the water off and dried them both off before scooping the sleepy omega into his arms and taking him to their nest. "Still want to be my little cockwarmer little omega?" he asked with a smirk. Spencer nodded and looked up at him.

They got situated in the nest, Aaron taking the position of big spoon. He slipped his semi hard cock into the omegas heat. Spencer moaned at the feeling then moved closer and yawned. He fell asleep like that, with his alpha's cock inside him and the strong protective arms around him.

A/N sorry for the lack of warning there. I got carried away. But it wasn't too much smut. I mean you can't have too much smut right?

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