1 - Deja Vu

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The sight of you-flushed cheeks, half-lidded eyes, and parted lips-mesmerized the clients who booked for you that hour. You were the most sought-after stripper there and for good reasons too. Your talent was way beyond the others, being able to stun your audience without much effort.

You were that beautiful and mesmerizing.

As soon as the music started to fade away, you turn around and slowly walked to the back-making sure that you looked good and hot while doing so. The person who got you employed there, Nana, congratulated you for another fantastic performance. Out of all the girls there, you were her favorite. Not that there was anything wrong with the other girls, they were all nice to you at least. But your bond with Nana was different. And maybe that's because she was there when you had no one and you were there when she almost lost everything.

"You go get some rest now, dear." Nana said to you softly, her eyes were warm as usual. Even though she was barely ten years older than you, she acted like your mom. And since you don't really have anyone to call your mom, you treated her like she was too.

What's happening?

"Then, I'll head home first." You replied and gave her a fake smile, feeling a bit dizzy. "Don't overwork yourself."

Haven't I gone through this before? Or am I only feeling this way because I've done this so many times already?

Nana hummed and playfully nudged you to change your clothes already. It was nearing eleven in the evening, just about the same time you clock out of work. Although there are times that you stay even later to get more money. It was the only thing that kept you going, money. You needed money to live and survive school. Even though you had no parents or siblings to rely on, you still wanted to finish college.

Just as you finished changing, you heard multiple gunshots outside and a lot of screaming.

Don't open the door.

Wondering what the hell was happening, you slowly opened the door and peaked outside. No one was near the changing rooms, to your relief. Still, that didn't mean you were safe from whatever was happening.

"Gunshots? I should probably stay here....." You whisper to yourself.

Your heartbeat had gone erratic as your body started to move on its own.

No, don't go.

"What the....?" You mutter in confusion.

You felt conflicted. You didn't want to investigate any further but at the same time, you felt like you should.

Cautiously, you walked to the main area of the club. There was a guy with his back to you, pointing a gun to the man in front of him. You were quick to act on your senses, kicking the guy's head with all the force you could muster hoping that it would be enough to knock him out.

Watch out!

You had the thought of immediately stepping to the side so you did, making him almost hit the side of your head and almost knocking you out in the process.

"Shit!" You let out a yell as you tried to fight back the guy with what you remember in self-defense class.

You weren't even sure why you were fighting him in the first place and yet here you are.

The guy got angrier and pulled out a throwing dagger. He fortunately missed your eye by an inch and a half but he did manage to hit the side of your neck, making your eyes roll to the back of your head. The last thing you remember was screaming and another round of bullets in the air.

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