26 - New Girl

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You were finally, finally feeling better. You've been sick for almost a week but it was bearable since everyone's been pampering you and even bought you so many unnecessary stuff like new phones, jewelries, clothes. They said that maybe these would cure you right away which made you laugh. But you thanked them anyway since they were just trying to cheer you up.

Mikey's been avoiding you more so than usual. The first time you met him, you thought he'd be the type to get possessive and lock you in his room but he wasn't like that at all which made you think that he didn't like you as much as the others did who wanted to spend as much time as they could with you.

Koko and Kakucho were out again for some 'business deals' and they left before breakfast so you figured it was really important.

You were glad that Koko's been talking to you again ever since you got sick. It's been so long since he last talked to you and it was nice to be able to laugh with him like back then. Looks like he's already healed himself but you weren't quite too sure, of course. He hasn't mentioned anything about it and you avoided the topic as much as you can.

"Rin, I want to bake something." You blurt out all of a sudden after breakfast.

Rindou looks over at you and chuckles. "Alright, then. Do you know how to bake?"

"I'm not quite sure what to tell you." You laugh.

"This is going to be a disaster 'cause I don't know how to bake." He laughs as well. "But, whatever. Let's try making fudge brownies?"

"Yes! That sounds so good..." You whined a little. "I'm hungry again."

"We literally just ate breakfast, babe." He shakes his head at you with a smile.

"It's your fault for mentioning fudge brownies." You stuck your tongue out at him before opening the fridge and taking out the frozen pizza before popping it in the microwave.

"Alright, alright. It's all Rin's fault." Rindou threw his hands up in mock surrender.

The two of you stayed in the kitchen for hours, only leaving to go to the restroom. Despite just having breakfast, Rindou joins you in eating the pizza since he claimed he didn't want you to feel lonely. You just rolled your eyes at him, knowing he got hungry like you but just didn't want to admit it.

"You two having fun?" Ran walks in and laughs at the state of you and Rindou.

Your faces were covered in flour, the corners on both of your lips tainted with the brownie mix you two made yourselves.

"Look at this mess." Takeomi walks in and stares at the floor.

You've been having way too much fun with Rindou that you two engaged in a short food fight and now the kitchen was a mess.

"Sorry, Omi. I'll clean it up, I promise." You gave Takeomi a sheepish smile that made him sigh and smile back at you, unable to resist you.

"It's fine. I'll get Sanzu to clean this up." He waves it off like it was no big deal.

"What?! Why me?!" Sanzu barges in with a look of confusion.

"Then, who do you want to clean this mess?" Takeomi said to him before pointing to you. "..her?"

"Fine. I'll clean." Sanzu huffed before pointing at Rindou. "But you're going to help me."

"Alright, it's my mess too anyway." Rindou shrugged.

Everyone gathered around the kitchen counter as you all waited for the brownies to cool off. Rindou was worried that it might not taste that good but you assured him it'll be alright if it didn't since you two could just try again.

Eventually, the brownies cooled off and Takeomi cut it into little square pieces. Everyone took a piece for themselves and you all ate them at once.

Surprisingly, it tasted quite good. You turn to Rindou and held up a hand for a high five which he excitedly gave you, also proud of how it turned out.

The cleaning part was rather amusing since Sanzu didn't really know how to clean. You keep laughing whenever he does something wrong, Takeomi giving him a lecture in return.

Sanzu only knew how to make a mess out of things so cleaning was new to him. He kept grumbling under his breath but whenever his eyes would meet yours, he would smile softly like he wasn't annoyed just a few seconds ago.

Rindou was rather silent as he assists Sanzu in cleaning the kitchen, not listening to the pink-haired male whenever he says something irritating since it was better to ignore the guy than get into a fight in front of you.

It took the two quite some time until the whole kitchen was squeaky clean and you weren't surprised when they passed out in the living room right after.
Since it was nearly time for dinner, you start looking for recipes to cook. A few minutes later, you found a good one that didn't seem to take that much effort.

Ran joins you and helps you prepare the ingredients, talking casually about anything he could think of. He kept asking questions about you and you patiently answered all of them. When he was done with his interrogation, you asked him the same questions he gave you and it ended into a long story that included Rindou as well.

You didn't mind at all and paid attention to him as he talked about his days as a teenager up until Bonten was formed. Everything that happened to him, to them, sounded so chaotic and crazy but Ran didn't look like he was lying about anything which actually made you worry more.

Once again, you were reminded of them being criminals—the worst ones. But even so, they still made you feel secure and comfortable. Even though you didn't want to believe him, you still had no choice since it was the truth.

Living so comfortably with people like them, what does that make you? Are you as wicked as them just for loving them? If you love a sinner, does that make you a sinner too?

All these questions bothered you as you prepared dinner. Good thing Ran was there or you would have put too much salt that it would kill a man.

"Let's go out for ice cream again soon, okay?" He speaks up, sensing your troubled mind.

"Okay." You smile at him, silently thanking him for interrupting your thoughts.

While you were preparing the table with Ran for dinner, you hear the main door open followed by the sound of hush whispers and giggling. You were curious so you decided to take a look and saw Koko and Kakucho coming in with a girl who had an arm slung over Koko's shoulders.

The girl had long hair black hair similar to Rindou's and Sanzu's haircut and she had a few purple streaks. She was dressed in leather thigh-high boots and a little black dress with fishnets. Her tanned skin glowed and her pretty face made you look at her in awe.

Looking at her arm around Koko's shoulders, you frown a little before you immediately look away before they could see you staring.

Guess he's moved on...just not with you.

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