4 - Fear Him

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"We're back!"

Sanzu's loud voice could be heard from the living room all the way to Rindou's room. You and Koko had just finished eating lunch a few minutes ago and the boxes were already discarded.

The two of you went out of Rindou's room and walked down to the living room where the rest of Bonten were standing with several bags on each of their hands.

"I brought food." Mikey told you with a blank look. "Let's eat lunch together."

"Oh, I already—"

"Huh? I don't remember asking you, though. We're eating lunch together, that's final."

You stared dumbfounded at Mikey's back. The others were silent, not sure how to react. Mikey just told them that all of them should avoid you to prevent a repeat of past events and now Mikey has just invited you to eat with him and by the way he said it seems like it was an invitation only for you.

The others shifted their weight from one foot to another, the atmosphere seemingly tense.

Still, no one spoke up about it and one by one they disappeared until you were left alone with Mikey again. The others didn't leave but were in the house somewhere.

Fearing what may happen if you disobey him, you followed Mikey to the dining room. Seriously, the Haitani's are loaded. You could only imagine what Kokonoi's place looked like. Well, maybe he's not as much of a spender since money is really important to him. But what's the point of having so much money if you don't spend it?

"Why are you sitting there?" Mikey asked and you snapped your eyes to him in confusion.

"Is there a particular seat I have to take?" You almost laughed at your own question. What's his problem now?

"Come here." He beckons you over. "On my lap, sweetheart."

The endearment caused your cheeks to instantly heat up. You felt your stomach do a somersault as soon as he said it, making you feel all weird inside.

"O-Okay..." You breathed out and tried to calm yourself as you walked over to him.

As soon as you got close enough, he took the initiative to pull you on top of his lap. Knowing you wouldn't actually sit on his lap yourself, he had to do it for you.

"You ate with Kokonoi?" He asks in a monotone.

You didn't know if he wanted you to lie and say no or tell the truth which you spoke up earlier before he RUDELY cut you off.

"Yes." You decided to tell him the truth. There's no point in lying even if he wanted you to or something.

"Feed me." He commanded. "You're already full so feed me. I'm damn hungry."

"Then what do you use these for, huh?" You couldn't help but ask in a voice with a little bit of venom while picking up his rough, calloused hands.

The two of you looked down at his hands and you just noticed now how his knuckles were torn and bleeding. You gasp and apologize immediately, remembering how tight you were holding onto them just a few moments ago.

"We need to clean your hands and—"

"Later. I'm hungry."


"Feed me."

You sigh and drop his hands, his arms immediately circling around your waist and pulling you closer. You huff and try not to get flustered at the position you were in, focusing on feeding him like the big baby he is.

Seeing the state of his knuckles, you didn't bother to ask what he was doing when he was out. Obviously, he took care of those guys back at the club. He took really good care of them.

"Slow down, woman. Do you want me to choke to death?!" Mikey complained since you were trying to make him finish the food already.

"You have to hurry so we can get your cuts cleaned up, Mikey." You tell him with a sigh.

"It's nothing that I haven't gone through before. Don't you want to stay in this position for a while? I think you enjoy being on top of me." Mikey muttered, squeezing you tighter. He reminded you of a boa constrictor—not that you've been constricted by one before. But maybe you have? Well, I wouldn't know.

It was odd how you were this 'comfortable' with him. Actually, you just feared getting punished or killed and that's how you remain calm and collected. They won't do anything bad to you unless you give them a reason to, right?

You almost let out a sigh of relief once the food was all gone. Trying not to shift too much on his lap, you place your hands on top of his shoulders and push yourself up but he didn't let you let you go just yet.

"Why are you so eager to get away from me, hmm? Are you that scared of me?" He whispered, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your air.

"I'm not scared of you." You lied smoothly. "You're a very nice guy despite all the threatening you've done."

The last part was a slip up and you held your breath as you noticed the look in his eyes changed. To your surprise, the ends of his lips curled up and he huffed out a little laugh. Well, you didn't even know that it was funny or amusing.

"You honestly think I'm a nice guy? Still so bad at being a smooth talker...." He smirked a little. "I know you're not telling the truth."

"Huh? Why would you think that?" You ask in confusion, knowing he couldn't have read what was on your mind unless he was an actual mind reader.

"I'm not Bonten's No. 1 for nothing, darling."

Suddenly, he grabbed your neck from behind and lightly squeezed the sides. You start to breathe heavily but surprisingly his hand didn't constrict your breathing at all. It only made you feel a little light headed.

"I don't like liars, remember that. Little lies, big lies. They're all the same." Mikey seethed. "Trust me, you wouldn't want to lie to me again."

You nodded your head, not being able to utter a single word out. He was way too intimidating at the moment but his voice—his goddamn voice—made your insides tingle. Mikey wasn't aware of the other effect he has given you or maybe he just pretended not to notice how your body leaned closer to his with every word that came out of his mouth.

"Get off of me." Mikey coldly said despite his body heating up.

All he wanted to do at the moment was to get away from you as far as possible. He badly wanted to kiss you and apologize for being rough but he knew he should do what he can to make you hate him, fear him....so you'll stay away after they let you go.

Those four words instantly pulled you out of your hazy thoughts and in a matter of seconds, you got off of him. His aura wasn't playful anymore but you somehow felt more at ease at this.

With a one motion of his hand, he dismissed you without saying anything and you were more than glad to disappear from his sight. Walking swiftly back to Rindou's room, you try to calm your breathing before actually going in.

You weren't surprised to see the others there. Well, one was missing and that was Mochi. Takeomi looked like he was about to leave as well, standing so close to the door like he was on his way to open it.

"Move aside, little lady." He spoke, getting out a pack of cigarettes and putting one in between his lips. "Would love to stay but Rindou doesn't want me smoking inside his room."

You moved out of the way and bowed as he walked out. The entire time, the others were just staring. You turn to them and felt queasy. All these pretty guys in one room, it was almost too much for you. Do they just hang out like this in Rindou's room or are they only here because you're here? Well, they obviously came here first but they were all aware you were staying inside this room for the mean time.

Kind of suspicious, not.

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