29 - 🔞Let The Stars Bear Witness🔞

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To my Filipino sugar babies, do you still listen to Filipino tokrev playlists on yt?


In your heart, you loved Sanzu. Really. But you just couldn't face him yet. You didn't hate him, you couldn't. You were just scared how your heart fluttered for him as he was doing what he did.

Sanzu kept on asking to see you, to talk to you. But Mikey guarded your door almost 24/7 so he couldn't get in even if he wanted to.

You felt bad, for being the reason behind the brutal murder but everyone told you the guy deserved it. After them telling you the words so many times, you started to believe it. The guy deserved it because he hit you and he was about to do something worse.

After four days, you were finally able to leave your room. Sanzu immediately caged you in his arms as he whispered apologies for letting you see what he did.

You hugged him back and just listened to him, relaxing in his arms as he rubs your back. The others were glad to see you finally out of your room. They were worried that you would take longer to be able to function normally again.

During the whole day, the guys did everything to keep you entertained. They were all deprived of your smiles and laughter for days so they did anything to make you laugh or smile.

Anything you so much as mention like Tempura, Takoyaki, the latest iPhone, everything that came out of your mouth that they could buy were handed to you before the day ended.

But out of all the things they gave you, the hand mirror and the charm bracelet were the ones that held so much meaning. They weighed heavier on your heart than all the other things they've given you so far.

Mikey didn't join you and the others, though. He just wanted to be by himself again now that the others were keeping you entertained.

Soon enough, the sky got darker and it was time to make dinner. Rindou told you that he was the one going to prepare the food for everyone so that you could just relax. You didn't mind and thanked him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You should be fair, princess. Kiss me on the cheek too!" Ran said with a smile, pointing to his cheek.

Already knowing he would turn his head at the last second, you decided to cup his cheeks and kissed him on the forehead instead. When you look back at him, you see him blushing and and staring at you with soft eyes.

Since everyone was there, you gave them a kiss on each of their foreheads too. As a thank you for doing anything and everything just to make you feel better again. You couldn't ask for a better life.

Dinner was finally served and you finished faster than everyone else since you were craving for something sweet. You open the fridge but didn't really feel like eating anything there so you search for something else and notice a bag on the kitchen counter.

Your eyes twinkled at the sight of Taiyakis, eating one in an instant while you just nibbled on the second one. The others were still eating dinner, discussing gang matters while some were just listening silently.

You walk to your bedroom for a moment, getting your phone and scrolling through your feed before walking back outside.

Just as you stepped into the dining room, you see Mikey finally up to get dinner.

"Who the fuck took my Taiyakis?"

You stopped chewing and looked down at the delicious treat in between your fingers. Everyone on the table turned to you and Mikey followed them, seeing you standing by the doorway.

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