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Chu Yu took out a brand new English textbook and pen, covered his mouth and yawned.

"Chu Yu, stand out!"

Hearing Wang Lilin's words, Chu Yu looked up blankly.

Wang Lilin was wearing a black dress, her lips were very lipstick, and she was staring at Chu Yu angrily.

Repeat it again, "I will doze off early in the morning, so just don't go to my class, stand out, and be awake in the cool breeze."

Zhang Yueshan wanted to raise his hand to speak, but Chu Yu kicked the chair from behind and stopped.

Chu Yushu didn't take it either, and got up out of the classroom.

Less than two minutes after standing, Lu Shi also came out.

The two stood side by side, staring at the sparrow on the railing together.

Chu Yu didn't sleep well at night and didn't eat anything, so he was very depressed. He yawned, and his thick, curled eyelashes were stained with water.

He muttered, "I'm also convinced. I want to establish prestige and satisfy my unbalanced psychology, so don't just use us for surgery."

When Lu Shi turned his head to look at him, Chu Yu leaned his back against the wall and explained, "It's not hard to understand, right? Teacher Wang is very arrogant and fierce, of course, on the surface. In fact, she is very inferior and a little stupid. She felt subconsciously that she was unable to manage the rich second-generation and third-generation in our class, so she took me," Chu Yu pointed to herself, "take the knife and establish prestige."

"Because she knows subconsciously that she has insufficient abilities and not enough level, she can't teach the top students in our class. After all, IQ is not something that everyone is born with. So she takes you to operate and wants to establish through this method. He has a strong, stable position and right to speak, so he insulted, intimidated, and suppressed us. The remarks yesterday were not just for me and you, but also for the whole class."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yu sighed, "Oh, the method is so poor, it's so pitiful."

Seeing that his palm was pressed against the brick wall, Lu Shi changed the back of his hand after a few seconds, and replied, "Well, it's really not difficult to understand."

Chu Yu blinked and listened carefully to what he said.

"I just didn't expect you to be smart."

? ?

Pretty smart?

Chu Yu exploded his hair in a second!

So angry! How could this person be so annoying! If he can wear it back to yesterday, he must slap his face-let you give him candy!

No, Chu Yu stopped his irritable thoughts again—no, no, no slaps!

Lu Shi saw that Chu Yu's amber eyes had small emotions, and his hair was blown up on the spot. He habitually put his hands in his trouser pockets, stopped talking, and continued to look at the sparrows on the railings rushing for food.

He used to think that Chu Yu was a clean, unsuspecting, no haze, and growing up spoiled by others.

However, he now discovered that the person in front of him seemed to be more than that.

There may be many different aspects.

Like a flat figure, suddenly becomes three-dimensional.

At this time, Lu Shi noticed his cuff, and was gently pulled by the slight force.

Looking down, Lu Shi's gaze fell on Chu Yu's fingertips pulling the material of his cuffs, "Huh?"

Chu Yu's gaze fell elsewhere, his body approached slightly, and he spoke to Lu Shi in a low voice, "Student Lu, cooperate and let you see this young master's outstanding acting skills!"

Following his vision, Lu Shi saw the dean and two classroom inspection teachers approaching from one end of the corridor.

He probably guessed what Chu Yu was going to do.

After a few seconds, Chu Yu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, relaxed, and fell to the ground softly.

Lu Shi reacted extremely quickly, and almost immediately after Chu Yu fell, he took the person into his arms.

very light.

And, the acting is really bad.

Lu Shi was very cooperative, and said expressionlessly the lines Chu Yu expected, "Chu Yu, why did you faint? Hurry up and wake up."

Chu Yu opened his right eye and blinked at Lu Shi. Feeling that this teammate is not a pig at all, he closed his eyes calmly and assuredly.

On the other side, the inspection teacher was puzzled, "That's the second grade class A over there? What's the matter, a student was punished to stand? Standing fainted? Wait, that student seems to be—"

The instructor frowned, and suddenly quickened his pace, "It's the young master of the Chu family!"

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