Chapter 25

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"You failed."

Lloyd gritted his teeth, gazing ahead at the Overlord who was standing in front of his desk, his back to the green ninja. "I know," Lloyd grunted, struggling not to lose his temper. "That's kind of obvious by now."

"I didn't expect you to fail, Garmadon," the Overlord went on in a growl. "I don't like to be disappointed. I don't like to fail."

The Overlord wasn't one to get into rages, but Lloyd could tell he was furious inside. "I know," the green ninja repeated, taking a step closer to him. "I acted recklessly, but I was the one who agreed to this mission in the first place. So I don't think you—"

Suddenly, his lungs tightened and his voice broke off. What the—

His muscles stiffened and he was forced to a halt. His chest felt like it was wrapping around itself and he gasped for breath, no longer no able to breathe normally. Pain wrapped around his wrist and shot up his arm, aching through his entire body.

The world started to spin and Lloyd tried to move, but his body wouldn't cooperate. Dizziness swamped over him as he struggled to breathe, feeling his bones crush inside of him. What was happening?

The pain reached his head and he wanted to groan, but his throat was too tight to get anything out. Muscles aching, the green ninja strained all his energy to focus his vision on the Overlord, who was holding out a clenched fist.

"Your mission?" His voice was half-muffled in Lloyd's clogged ears. The Overlord turned around to face the green ninja, his eyes blazing fiercely. "This was never your mission," he hissed, stalking closer to him. "Don't you see? You're mine, Garmadon. So unless you come up with a way to steal the last elemental weapon, you'll stay mine." He tightened his fist and another bolt of pain struck from Lloyd's wrist. "Get the picture?"

The green ninja choked out a gasp, legs shaking underneath him. The Overlord's words rang in his head over and over and his eyes trailed downward to his right wrist, where the pain was coming from. Finally finding the strength to move, Lloyd grunted as he yanked his arm over to lift his glove, finding himself staring at his marking that was now glowing, fading in and out. In and out.

A jolt of alarm shot through the green ninja and he gasped, eyes rounding.

A binding bound to the Overlord. Once you're marked, you can kiss your freedom goodbye.

Everyone joins the Baddies thinking it's all fun and games. The Overlord offers them a place to stay, protection, and a chance for revenge. But once they realize there's more to it, it's too late.

Our markings will glow brighter and send pain through our bodies. And if we don't respond to it, it'll get worse and worse until we...

With another gasp, Lloyd broke from his resurfaced memories. What is wrong with me? he thought, staring down at his marking. I knew it was a trap. Phil told me everything—years ago. If only I'd remembered...

Fear opened up inside of him as he turned back to the Overlord and met his malicious gaze. Oh, God, he thought, panic forming in his mind. What have I done?

Abruptly, the Overlord released his fist and the invisible claws around Lloyd's lungs disappeared. The pain in his bones exploded and spiraled back to his wrist, which continued to throb. Gasping for breath, Lloyd staggered on his feet but managed to stay standing, feeling sweat drip down his face. His body felt sore and his breathing was heavy as he regained his senses, shutting his eyes until his mind focused again.

He straightened up when he opened them again, knowing his legs were still trembling. He gulped in a deep breath as he returned the Overlord's gaze, feeling too weak to speak.

Darkness from Within #4: Fading (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now