Chapter Twenty Three - Paradise and Catastrophes

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Hello my Bellarinas (Haha like my name I made for us) I'm so so so so so so so so so so THANKFUL for y'all! First of all you guys got us to 20,000 reads like I'm so ASDFGHJKL!! Also 200 votes!! Okay, I'm done getting crazy! Now I also wanna apologize for making you wait like 3 weeks for this.. WILL be updating I just had 20-30 tests in the month, my granny turned 99 and I was grounded.. So ya you get it I was busy! But I will make It up to you I PROMISE. Cross my heart and hope to die stick a cupcake in my eye.

Well anyways here's the chappie... WAIT! Check out my new Fan FIC it's called 'His Guardian Angel' it's really dramatic.. So ya..

Eleanor's POV

I took a deep breath of the nice salty, tropical air.

"Paradise" I whispered as me and Louis stood staring at the waves.

This was out honeymoon. I couldn't believe it. Louis booked us this resort it was beautiful. Their we're little huts peeking out of the water which is where we sleep and stuff. Right beside the water was a nice green island and white water shores. I couldn't believe all of this- it seemed like a dream.

"Shall we swim MRS. TOMMO?" Louis said taking my hand.

"Sure MR. WEIRDO" I said laughing and running into the water.

It was so warm and clear Un-like the green water, freezing cold beaches in London.

I grinned like an idiot. We've only been here for 2 hours and I already know

This was going to be-

Harry's POV

Horrible. This was going to be horrible.

3 bloody AM in the morning and Noah was crying again. I honestly don't know why me and Ellie volunteered to babysit him while Lou was on his honeymoon.

Having kids was HARD.

"Noah's crying" I groaned to Ellie.

"I can hear that" She said getting up and cradling him.

I mean sure I love my godson, Noah but his screech can be a real pain in the ass.

"Harry were out of wipes" Ellie whispered punching me in the face.

"Mmmmm, I'll get some" I said getting up and finding my keys.

How wonderful, 3AM in the morning, I have a wailing baby on my hands with a poopy diaper and I'm going to shoppers drug Mart in the middle of the night.

It's official. I do not wanna be a father.

Ellie's POV.


Thank Jesus this store was 24 hours.

Me and Harry basically dragged the stroller through the baby section.

My eyes were blood shot. And Harry was so tired he forgot to even put on his beanie.

"here are the wipes lets go home now" Harry said in a low voice.

"Okay great" I said getting the wipes and turning around.

Only to see, loads and loads and loads.

Of Paparazzi.

Louis's POV

"El, look a shark!" I Exclaimed as we looked down from the dock.

"Ah! I'm terrified of them!" she screamed taking her feet out of the water immediately

"Don't be scared El, their friendly!" I said putting my hand in the water and waving around.

"Sure, they'll be so friendly when they eat your finger off" Eleanor mumbled sarcastically.

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