Wedding Party

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"Okay everyone we are going to get into our places for the ceremony. So Henry you are at the alter," says the wedding planner, pulling Henry and placing him in his position.

"Then we are going to have Emily's little sister, Nina, walk out first as the flower girl," she says guiding Nina to the edge of the entry way. Henry's wedding was taking place in our grandmother's house. He wanted it to have meaning.

"This feels weird. Why are we rehearsing a wedding. I thought you just kissed and that was it?" whispered Ki to me, Will, Thomas, Dylan, and Grace. None of us wanted to be doing this right now.

"Now we have the Maid of Honor and the Best Man behind her," said the wedding planner turning to find me.

"Oh boy, and the fun begins." I say as I walk towards Nina. I hear Thomas laugh behind me and I shoot him a glare. He stifles it.

I stand next to Travis, who is one of my cousins.

"I had no idea being the Best Man would be so much work," he huffs. I nod in agreement.

Behind me, the rest of the wedding party took their places. Will and Lisa, Thomas and Grace, Ki and Sarah, Dylan and Hanna, and finally Emily and her dad. Lisa and Sarah were Emily's close cousins while Hanna was one of her friends. I'm so glad Thomas was paired up with Grace. I trust her.

When rehearsals were over, the whole wedding party attended a dinner. In attendance were my parents as well as Emily's.

Speeches were made, cheers sounded across the room and overall it was a pretty fun night. Travis decided to play DJ and had everyone dancing.

I was twirling around with Grace and the bridesmaids when the music changed to Youth by Daughter.

"You don't mind if I snag Grace?" asked Blake as he took his fiancé's hand.

"Not at all," I said with a smile and the two left hand in hand to dance. As they left I saw Thomas heading our way.

"Man, he stole my idea." he said once he reached me and I laughed.

He held out his hand and I took it as he led me to dance. He took both of my hands and rested them around his neck and then placed his hands on my waist. His touch sent goosebumps up and down my spine.

"This does not count as the dance you owe me, love." he joked as we turned to the music.

"It doesn't?" I say with a laugh. "You'll get your dance, pretty boy."

Thomas smiled, and it was such an achingly beautiful smile. The more and more time we spent together, the closer and closer we got. Suddenly the idea of starting a relationship didn't seem so scary anymore. Just looking at him, his deep brown eyes, I knew he wouldn't hurt me, or at least he wouldn't do it intentionally.

"I was wondering.. Since we are both attending your brother's wedding.. That maybe you'd be my date?" he asked, I could see in his face he was unsure of the answer he would receive.

A warm feeling spread through my body when he asked. "It would be my pleasure," I say with a smile that spreads to his face as well.

"That's grand," he says and we continue dancing and he pulls me a bit closer.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now