Sounds Like A Plan

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I told Thomas everything. Everything about what happened the night of Ki's wedding, from my being distant a bit, and even my talk with Ian.

"You talked to the guy who caused you all of that pain? The one you said you once.. loved?" he asked, his jaw clenched.

"Yes I did. As soon as he left, I called you. Thomas, Henry thought if I went back to the source of everything that it might help. And it did." I say, giving a smile to try and reassure him.

He still looked a bit pissed. I understand though. A million thoughts could be running through his head.

He ran his hand over his hair, "All you did was talk? That's it?"

It hurt a little bit that he had doubt in me, and now I know what it feels like. To be the one who is doubted. I understand where he's coming from.

"We just talked. I got all of my pent up thoughts out, and then I forgave him. I'm starting a new slate, Tommy. And it feels- It feels like a huge weight is off of my chest." I say, looking around at all of the people at Starbucks and smiling.

"Are you meeting up with him again?" I hear him say.

I rip my gaze from a couple holding hands across the table.

"No. But.."

His jaw clenched.

"I thought, maybe I could see you again in your natural habitat.." I say, pouting my lips.

His face finally lights up for the first time since I started talking to him.

"Natural habitat?" he says with a chuckle.

"Yes. Would near the end of the month be good, say the 26th? That would give me five days to still have time to myself and get ready." I say while checking my calendar.

A good thing about working at the dance studio is my schedule is extremely flexible.

"That would be perfect, love. How long would you stay?" he asks, leaning into the camera.

"I have no clue. What do you think?" I say strumming my fingers on my cheek.

"How about.. 3 weeks. Then we can go back to LA together," he says after thinking for a bit.

"That sounds like a plan!" I say and can't contain a giggle. "But I do have one request while I'm there."

Thomas furrows his eyebrows, "What is it, love?"

"I want to meet your family. We've been dating for 3 months and I still haven't met them." I say slowly and staring at the table.

He stares at me blindly with a dumbfound smile on his face.

"What?" I say confused.

He shakes his head and laughs, "Of course you are meeting them. They'll love you."

"I sure hope so," I say with a laugh. "Oh shit. I'm sorry, Thomas. My phone's on 5%. I gotta go."

"Aww bloody hell, Jade. Your phone is stupid." Thomas says while laughing.

"I'll call you on Skype as soon as I get home, okay? Be patient,"

"I have to wait a whole 10 minutes to see your face again. Hurry up!" Thomas whines as I push open the doors of the Starbucks.

"You'll see me soon, pretty boy."


I had 2 more days until I would be with Thomas again.

I sit on the floor of my now only-my apartment.

I still hadn't gotten used to living alone. It just felt strange, the emptiness. The silence was loud and eerie.

I turned on my Bluetooth and played Hard Work by Ella Henderson while I decided to start packing.

The only thing I managed to accomplish was sorting all of my clothes into piles. But I still had to choose what I wanted to pack.

I again decided to sit on the cold floor and started tapping my phone on the ground.

There was no one to talk to.

Thomas was busy working, so was Dylan, Will, and Kaya, Grace and Blake were on a joint business trip in Seattle, and Ki and Henry were both enjoying life as now new husbands.


My brother and Ki were husbands.

They were both probably going to start families soon.

Grace and Blake were already ahead of them. She was a little bit over 3 months along and hasn't said if it was a boy or a girl yet. I don't even know if she knows yet.

Kaya was getting married soon to her fiancé Ben Walker.

This time, thinking about the future didn't make me scared.

It was like a new breath of fresh air. A new road to take. An exciting journey.

And again, I pictured Thomas.

Me and Thomas, growing old together. I could see it.

In truth, I didn't know if that would be our future, but if it was. I wasn't scared.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.

Thomas: Have you started packing yet, love?

I laugh to myself. He knows me so well.

I take a picture of my mess and send it to him.

Thomas: I'm going to text you a line that would fit perfectly right now.

Thomas: "Pick your arse up and finish what you started" 😂😂

This literally has me clutching my stomach from laughing.

Me: Okay, okay. I'm up.

I pull myself off of the ground and call Thomas.

"Did you like my little line there, love?" Thomas says with a laugh.

"Oh how very clever of you. I have no idea what to pack. Help me out?" I say as I put my phone on speaker and set it on my nightstand.

For the rest of the time that Thomas had, he told me what the weather was like and what clothes I should and should not bring and stuff like that.

After my packing, I sat on the couch and had a random movie marathon and ended the night with watching the Amazing Spiderman.

One more day to go.

A New Road ➢ Thomas Brodie SangsterWhere stories live. Discover now