Chapter 1

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12 years later-

Charlotte sat in the car with her social worker after being moved from another failed home. Charlotte was done with being tossed around. She was giving up on finding a family. She just wanted to live on her own.

"Just try, please?" The social worker, Pepper, asked. Charlotte shook her head.

"What's the point? I'm an older kid. No one is going to want me." Charlotte muttered, resting her head against the window. She held onto her bag in her lap. It contained every copy of Harry Potter books and a couple of other things that she needed.

"They're going to just like the last people," Lottie muttered.

"You blew up their patio," Pepper said, shaking her head

"That's not true."

"We found fireworks under the patio. You could have blown up the house! You're lucky they didn't press charges." Pepper signed, she was getting frustrated with Charlotte not wanting to try with the families.

"Can we go to King's crossing?" Charlotte asked.

"What? That's all the way across town. Why?"

"Because it's September first. Hogwarts starts today."

"Ugh, again with this Harry Potter. It's not real, we're not going to King's crossing, you won't jump through some portal or anything, dumb like that."

"I just want to take pictures. I have a camera and it's only seven am now. Let's go, please." Charlotte asked, glancing at the car clock.

"No, you have to meet the Browns at eight am sharp. We need you to make a good impression."

"No, you need to make a good impression. I don't care," Charlotte muttered, angrily crossing her arms over her chest.

"They like your profile, they want to get to know you." Charlotte didn't reply, and Pepper sighed, giving up.


"Hello!" Mrs. Brown said, almost yelling, making Charlotte jump.

"Sorry," Mrs. Brown said. Pepper forced a laugh out and pushed Charlotte closer to the couple.

"It's alright, you just surprised her. Charlotte said she's very excited to meet you." Pepper said. Charlotte nodded. She was used to Pepper talking for her when Pepper knew Charlotte wasn't going to try anymore.

When Charlotte was growing up, there was always something strange that would happen when she was placed in a new foster home. If it was a really bad foster home, she would manage to leave the next day, but something would always happen, and she never knew why.

She was rushed in and Pepper got her sorted in a span of twenty minutes.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Mr. Brown asked.

"Yes," Charlotte said, they walked to the breakfast table, where Mr. and Mrs. Brown had already made a bunch of food prepared. Mr. Brown went over and called his son to come down and eat with the rest of them.

Charlotte was used to the foster parents asking her a million questions that first day. They asked her what she likes to wear, how she does at school, if she ever met her birth parents, and more, before breakfast finally finished.

"Can I go upstairs to put my stuff away?" Charlotte asked as she glanced at the clock. It was currently nine-thirty.

"Oh, how silly of me! Go ahead! Take all the time you need, we'll be here." Mrs. Brown smiled. Charlotte nodded, offering her one small smile before going upstairs.

"First door to the left." Mr. Brown called. She found her room quite easily, as the Browns had painted it bright pink, with white flowers everywhere. The bed was also pink. Charlotte cringed at the room as she went up towards the window.

Ever since she turned eleven, she's had a strange urge to go to the king's cross at eleven o'clock every September first, and she never got a chance to. In her first year, she was stuck in America with Pepper. The second year, she had been too late, and it already passed eleven when she got there. She didn't know why, but she needed it to be exactly before or eleven, and exactly on September first. Maybe it was the Harry Potter fan in her, but Charlotte also felt like it was something more.

But this year, Charlotte was finally getting her chance. She had stolen money from the foster family she was in yesterday for the bus, but she needed to do her plan now. Charlotte pushed open the window, since it had no screen, and was so large, she easily managed to get onto the roof and shut the window behind her.

She carefully slides down, trying to make as no noise as possible but failing. Once she was finally at the edge, Charlotte looked at the ground.

You can do this,

She told herself as Charlotte's feet dangled from the edge. Charlotte took a deep breath and jumped, or what felt more like floating, as she landed gracefully on her feet, making no noise.

Charlotte turned around and looked back at the Browns house, feeling slightly bad since the people were nice enough, but then that feeling came back again, and she turned on her heels, before starting to run to the nearest bus stop.


"Thank you," Charlotte said to the bus driver as he dropped her off at King's crossing. He nodded at her before shutting the door and driving away. She watched the bus drive away before heading inside.

Charlotte felt her phone vibrate from her right pocket. She pulled it out, seeing Pepper calling her.

Where are you!

Call me asap!

Cops, have your picture, we will find you!

The phone was a reward. It is getting taken away!

Are you going to King's crossing?

I'm going there now.

Charlotte signed deciding to turn her off her cell phone as she saw some police cars driving up towards king's crossing. Charlotte ran in, avoiding everyone's glares as she pushed them out of the way.

"Hey! You!" Someone yelled. Charlotte looked over her shoulder, seeing a cop following her.

"Come back here!" Another cop yelled. Charlotte looked over her shoulder, watching them running after her, but having no way out.

"Stop!" She watched as she ran past every platform.







"Wait!" Charlotte looked over her shoulder again, and without paying attention, she didn't notice herself heading straight for platform 9 3/4.

It was too late before Charlotte looked straight ahead again; she screamed, ready for the pain to come, but instead, it didn't; she felt a rush of wind, her ginger hair going in every direction.

"Ow!" Someone yelled as she stumbled into them, and they both fell on top of each other. Charlotte groaned as she lifted her head up from the boy's chest, seeing a very blond, almost white, haired boy glaring up at her.

"Watch where you're going next time!" He spat as he shoved her away, and stood up, brushing off dust from his expensive robes.

"Sorry," Charlotte said as she stood up. The boy signed and rolled his eyes.

"Have you never done this before! Even idiots can walk through a gate without crashing into someone." He yelled again, but Charlotte wasn't listening as she started looking around where she had landed, before gasping, as Lottie's eyes landed on the Hogwarts bright red express.

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