confessions (requested)

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Your heart skipped a beat as you heard the front door open and close downstairs.

It meant that Taylor, your wife of three weeks, is finally home and the thought brought a happy feeling to your heart.

You wouldn't have even thought about saying that three weeks ago.

At the time, you could barely look at each other, yet you were forced to get married to each other despite that because your marriage was arranged and not something either of you could protest against.

It's been a rough couple of weeks. But something has changed along the way for you.

In your heart, you're feeling love for her, which is something that you never once thought you'd feel for her.

You're finding yourself feeling excited for her return home instead of the feeling of relief you'd feel when she walked out the door to go to work.

It's all changed.

You find happiness in her now, excitement in the fact that you're going to spend the rest of your life by her side.

But sometimes you feel very alone in that.

Just by the way she acts and talks, you doubt the feeling is mutual.

Like now, as she walks into the bedroom to find you sitting up and waiting for her. Instead of being happy to see it, she rolled her eyes at you.

"You're still awake?"

"Yeah. I couldn't sleep." You said with a sinking feeling in your heart as you realized that she wasn't even close to being happy to see you.

"Well, try to sleep now. I'm taking a shower before I join you in bed and I'm going right to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow so please, just go to sleep." She sighed and grabbed some clean clothes before going into the bathroom.

She closed the door and turned on the water to step into the shower while you laid down again, letting out a couple of tears as you wondered to yourself if this is the way your entire marriage with her will be - unhappiness and discontentment.

You pretended to be asleep when she exited the bathroom. She turned off the light before padding across the floor to the bed, where she pulled back the covers and laid down beside you.

You opened your eyes and saw that her back was facing you. You didn't worry about pretending to be asleep now, thinking that she was falling fast asleep after her long busy day while you got lost in your thoughts and anxieties.

"Why are you not asleep?" She asked as she turned over to stare at you.

"I could ask you the same question." You said and she just rolled her eyes again.

Things went silent between the two of you. There was an ache in your heart, your anxieties and fears suddenly beginning to overwhelm you.

You sat up, pushing away the covers that you once cozily curled up in.

"Where are you going?" She asked as she watched you get ready to stand up.

"Why do you suddenly seem to care?" You asked as you stood up. "I'm going to sleep in the guest room."

"No, you're not." She said.

"Try and stop me."

"Y/N, please." She almost pleaded and for a moment, you wondered if you were dreaming.

"Why do you want me to stay?"

"I just do, okay?" She grumbled as you laid back down.

You sighed as you lay on your back and listened to Taylor breathe beside you.

"Is this how our marriage is going to be?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked, the annoyance evident in her  voice.

"That! Exactly that, Taylor. You're so easily annoyed with me yet I'm doing nothing wrong to you. You're never happy to see me when you get home. I feel like you don't even love me."

She turned on the lamp and sat up against the pillows, giving you her full attention for the first time.

"If you hate me, if you hate being married to me so badly, just say so already! Because I can't keep falling in love with you, like married people should, and know that for the rest of our lives, the feeling won't ever be mutual."

She stared down at the ring on her finger before looking back up at you.

"Who said I don't love you?"

"You might not have said you don't, but you sure act like it."

"Yeah, because I thought you hated me." She said. "I've loved you from the moment I met you. But I thought you'd never feel the same. So, I tried to just act as if I hate you, as if being married to you is terrible when, in fact, it's the complete opposite."

Her confession felt so surreal, the words falling from her lips taking your breath away while your heart raced faster than ever before.

"Being married to you is amazing. I didn't think I'd be happy in an arranged marriage. It wasn't what I thought I wanted. But I know, when it's with you, it's a beautiful and magical thing."

"You mean that?"

"With all of my heart and soul." She said as she put her hand over yours.

She stared at the ring on your finger before looking back at you.

"I love you." She said as she took in a deep breath. "Did you mean it when you said that you love me?"

"Yes." You said, smiling at her. "I love you, Taylor."

She opened her arms and you hugged her right away, finally finding the comfort you've been wanting and needing from her so badly.

"Things are going to get better. Things will never ever be like they were earlier tonight. I love you, I need you to know that and believe me when I say it."

"I do." You said against her neck and her heart swelled in her chest.

"Our marriage is going to be the greatest ever. We are going to be so happy, so in love. I will never let you down."

"I promise you the same."

She pulled away, stroking your cheek lovingly.

"I'm so lucky." She whispered as she stared into your eyes before leaning in to give you a sweet kiss; the first one you've shared since you officially tied the knot that one day.

"I'm the lucky one." You whispered against her lips, finally feeling so loved.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Four (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now