she has appendicitis (requested)

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You angrily snatched the papers out of the nurse at the desk and took a seat beside Taylor, who was nearly doubling over in the seat of the waiting room from the intense pain that she was in.

You put your hand on her back and started to rub your hand across it as she groaned in agony.

"It hurts." She mumbled as sweat ran down her skin. "It hurts so bad, Y/N. I can't take it anymore, I can't. It's too much."

The last couple of hours has been terrible for your sweet girlfriend.

She started to feel sick but brushed it off as a little nausea and stomach ache, just thinking that it was the start of a stomach bug coming on.

But it got worse as the minutes went by, to the point where she was clenching the sheets in her hand to squeeze them from the intense pain.

On top of that, she was vomiting and had begun to run a fever, and when the pain in her lower right abdomen got so intense that she was in tears, you knew it was time to take her to the hospital.

"I know, baby. I'm filling out these forms, it's not going to be long."

You hurriedly filled out the forms, answering every question on the paper so fast that your hand cramped up.

You turned them in and after a few seconds, the nurse finally got you back into a room.

You helped Taylor as best as you could, getting her down the hall and into one of the beds as she clutched her stomach and groaned in pain.

She laid back on the bed as one of the doctors came into the room, asking her question after question.

But your girlfriend was in so much pain that she couldn't answer the questions being asked.

"On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain."

Taylor opened her eyes, staring at you as she bit her lip.

You knew the answer already, so you quickly spoke for her.


"Okay. Where's the pain?"

"Her lower right abdomen."

The doctor started to press around and Taylor threw her head back in pain, nearly screaming out in pain as the doctor pressed right against the spot that hurt the most.

"I think it's appendicitis." The doctor said.

You went wide-eyed as Taylor took your hand, holding onto it tighter than ever before.

"Be right back."

The doctor and nurses left the room, leaving you and Taylor alone as the curtain closed.

She was so uncomfortable and in such intense pain that she couldn't lie still any longer.

She sat up and swallowed thickly, starting to feel nauseous once more.

"I feel sick again."

You reached for something for her to get sick in as she squeezed her eyes shut.

But, thankfully, the nausea passed a few seconds later.

"I have appendicitis?" She asked as she looked at you with eyes full of fear.

You brushed your hand across her back, comforting her through the fear and pain she felt.

"It'll be okay, Tay,"

"I'm in so much pain and I'm scared. That means surgery, right?"

You nodded a second later, causing a shaky breath to fall from her lips.

"I don't know if I can do it."

"Taylor, baby, you have to. I'm sorry. I know you're scared but you're hurting so much and you'll only get worse if you don't get surgery."

She looked so afraid as your eyes met once more and it broke your heart because you'd never seen her in so much pain before and you just wanted to take it all away from her.

"You're okay, baby. I'm right here." You said as the doctor returned.

And after a few tests, they confirmed that it was appendicitis and told Taylor that she'd need emergency surgery.

Her heart was pounding and she didn't want to let go of your hand, too terrified of what may happen.

"It's alright, my love. You'll be okay and I'll be here when you get out of surgery. You're going to be just fine, you'll feel so much better."

Your heart sank as her hand slipped out of yours.

"I love you," She said as they wheeled her off to surgery.

"I love you too!" You called back and after a few seconds, a nurse came to your side and guided you out of the room and to the waiting room.

"She's in good hands. She'll be out soon and I'll give you any updates if I get any."

You thanked her as you sat down, fighting back tears over the last few hours of pain that you saw your girlfriend in.

You just hoped that she'd feel better soon.

Because that's all you want.

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