you get morning sickness while out (requested)

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"This place is so good. It's been so long since I've been here last." Taylor said as she put a bite of food into her mouth.

You faked a little smile as you stared at your plate, poking the food around on it with your fork a little.

You had been so hungry before coming here but now that you're here and you see and smell the food, you're changing your mind.

You're starting to feel sick to your stomach as the morning sickness returned and you cleared your throat before shifting around in the booth uncomfortably.

"Are you okay, baby?" Taylor asked as she set her fork down on her plate.

She reached across the table for your hand and you shook your head before looking around.

You were far from being the only ones in this restaurant.

There are people everywhere.

And the thought of getting sick here is humiliating and scary to you.

"Are you feeling sick again?" Taylor asked and watched you nod your head.

"I'm going to be sick, Tay," You said as you covered your mouth.

"Can you make it to the bathroom?"

You shrugged your shoulders and tried not to draw any attention to yourself as Taylor stood up.

"Come on, darling. Let's try to make it there, okay? I'll help you."

She helped you stand up as you covered your mouth with your hand and walked down the hall to the bathroom, noticing people staring at you as you did so.

"Ignore them, baby. It's not your fault." Taylor said as she kept her hand on your back.

You made it into the bathroom and hurried into a stall before kneeling on the floor in front of the toilet.

Taylor gently grabbed your hair and held it back for you as you threw up.

It wasn't very quiet or discreet but it didn't bother Taylor.

She told you when you first told her that you were pregnant that she'd be by your side every step of the way no matter what and this was included in that.

"It's okay, baby. Let it out." She soothed.

As you got sick, the door to the bathroom opened and you'd been in such a hurry that neither you nor Taylor had closed the stall door.

So as the lady walked into the restroom and passed by, she peeked inside the stall as you continued to vomit.

Taylor felt the stranger's presence and protectively clenched her jaw at her before closing the stall door, making sure no one else saw you when you were so vulnerable.

You finished a few seconds later and lifted your head with a shaky breath.

"Are you okay, baby?"

You flushed the toilet before wordlessly turning around and burying your face in Taylor's shirt as she put her arms around you.

"Oh, baby, it's okay." She comforted.

"I'm so embarrassed, Tay."

"Don't be. It's nothing you can control."

"I know but still. I feel so humiliated."

"Honey, it happens. Everyone throws up at some point. Besides, you're pregnant. This is expected to happen and you have no control over when and where it hits you. So don't worry too much. If anyone says anything, I'll take care of it." She said and you smiled a little before nodding.

"Okay. Can we finish our food and then go home?"

"Sure. Let me order you some toast and you can eat on that. I don't think you're too into what you ordered."

"I am, but the baby isn't."

Taylor chuckled and brushed her hand across your back before you got up together.

You washed your hands and she did hers too, just to be safe before you returned to the table.

People stared at you but Taylor was quick to step in.

"Does this concern any of you? No? That's what I thought. Return to your meals, there's nothing to see here." Taylor spoke and watched people return to eating.

"Thanks, Tay."

"I told you I'd take care of it, didn't I?" She asked with a smile. "I'll order you some toast in a minute. For now, drink your water, okay?"

"Okay." You said before taking a few sips of water as Taylor looked around to be sure that everyone was minding their own business, protecting you no matter what.

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