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It was a warm night when Jungkook was getting ready in his room. He had his luggage open on the floor and was putting in some clothes after taking them out of his closet. Choosing clothes was a bit difficult because he wasn’t sure about the weather in New Zealand. The staff had told him that it would be warm in the day and cold in the night, but even warmness and coldness had their degrees. Would it be cold warm or warm warm? Cold cold or warm cold? After thinking for a while, he decided to pull out his phone to check the weather for the next 10 days. The weather report said that it would be moderately warm in daytime and cool in nighttime, but also rainy from time to time. Around 18° Celcius. Depending on the temperature, Jungkook decided to take thick sweaters and T-shirts and comfortable pants. Instead of jeans he picked wide and thick sweatpants that he could travel around in. He also didn’t forget to store panties and socks. Right then the door to his room opened and Jimin peeked inside. 

„Are you getting ready?“, he asked. 

Jungook looked at him and nodded. 

„You said the staff asked to take some footage. Are you ready? Shall I start filming?“, Jimin reminded him. 

„Ah, right. I forgot.“, Jungkook remembered and started looking around the room, "Wait, the camera they gave me has to be around here.“ 

Jimin entered the room and looked into the luggage while Jungkook searched for the camera. Behind Jimin, Hoseok appeared to check how much Jungkook was prepared. He wanted to help him with packing up, but it seemed like he was almost finished. 

„Jungkook-ah, do you need help? Is there anything I can do?“, Hoseok asked. 

„Not really, hyung. I have finished packing up. I just need to find the camera.“, Jungkook answered. 

„You’re not finished yet actually.“, Jimin interrupted, „Did you put in your care products? I don’t see any shampoo or lotion.“ 

„Ah, I forgot!“, Jungkook said and gave a tiny bump on his forehead. 

„Okay, okay. I will look for the camera. You go get your stuff.“, Jimin suggested. 

Jungkook disappeared in the bathroom when Taehyung came into the room, holding the camera in his hand. He filmed the inside of the room. 

„Where is Jungkook?“, Tahyung asked while pointing the camera at the members. 

„You had the camera?“, Jimin asked indignantly, „We were looking for it. Why didn’t you say anything?“ 

„I don’t know. It was in the living room and I took it.“, Taehyung defended himself. 

Jungkook came out of the bathroom with several products in his hands and kneeled down to his luggage. Hoseok also sat down on the floor and helped him with organizing the inside of the luggage while Jimin was on the bed and watched them from behind. Taehyung came closer to Jungkook and directed the camera to him. 

„How do you feel going on a trip without your hyungs, Jungkook-shi?“, Tahyung started an interview. 

„What is there to feel?“, Jungkook smirked, „I’m just going on a trip.“ 

„But it’s a trip without us.“, Taehyung insisted, „Aren’t you going to miss us?“ 

„Well, it will be different for sure. But missing…?“, Jungkook made an exaggerated grimace. 

„You punk. I see, there was a reason why it is said that there’s no use in raising a son.“, Taehyung said. 

„The right phrasing is 'There’s no use in raising a child'.“, Jimin corrected and turned to Jungkook, „However, Jungkook-shi. Don’t get too comfortable just because we won’t be with you. You will be the youngest in that team too. Stay respectful and obedient, okay?“ 

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