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Dahyun left her room and went to the kitchen. It was 7am and everyone in her room was sleeping. For some reason Dahyun woke up early, felt tired, but didn't want to go back to sleep. She entered the kitchen and was surprised to see Jungkook's back at the counter. When hearing noises behind him, Jungkook turned around and saw Dahyun. He automatically smiled at her. Dahyun approached him with a smile as well.

"Morning.", she stood next to him, "You're awake."

"Eung.", Jungkook showed her the oranges in his hand, "I was preparing orange juice."

"Really? Did you get up to do this or do you always wake up so early?", Dahyun asked.

"I got used to waking up early because of Bam, my dog. When he's not around I look for things to do. Today I wanted to prepare something healthy for everyone.", Jungkook explained, "And you? Do you wake up early?"

"Mhmm… it depends. Sometimes I get up early, sometimes I get up past noon.", Dahyun started rolling up her sleeves, "Since I'm awake, let me help you."

Jungkook moved to the side to make space for her. He put a couple oranges that were cut in half, in front of her and Dahyun used the juice-maker machine to make the juice. Before starting to squeeze the oranges, Jungkook cut out a wedge of orange and held it under her lips. Dahyun bit half of the piece and Jungkook shoved the rest in his mouth.

"Mhmm, it's good.", Dahyun said.

"I know right.", Jungkook agreed.

Before starting the machine, Dahyun filled it with enough oranges, put the lid on and pressed on the power. But unfortunately Dahyun forgot that she had to turn the lid to secure it and, as soon as she turned on the power, the lid flew away and juice sprinkled out. Jungkook startled and turned away and Dahyun let out a scream. She immediately turned off the power, but it was too late. They already had orange juice on their clothes and skin. Jungkook wasn't affected as much as Dahyun, whose hair got splashed with juice too. He turned to her and saw her shocked expression. She looked so cute that he couldn't help but laugh. Jungkook's amused expression made Dahyun laugh as well. Jungkook took a towel from the table, turned her to himself and started tabbing the towel on the wet spots.

"I'm sorry.", Dahyun apologized.

"For what? It was not your fault.", Jungkook said.

While Jungkook dried her hair, Dahyun also grabbed a towel and started wiping his shirt. Jungkook found her innocence endearing. He leaned down and planted a kiss on her forehead. Dahyun's eyes got big and looked around quickly to make sure they were alone. Then she turned to him and looked at him with big eyes. Jungkook put the towel away and stroked her hair. Then he stroked her face and, with his soft touch, Dahyun started feeling nervous. Jungkook moved closer, took her face inside his palms, leaned down and gave another kiss on her forehead. This time a longer one. Then he kissed between her eyebrows, her nose bridge, down to the top of her nose. Dahyun held onto his arms and closed her eyes. His lips were warm and the kisses felt soft. When Jungkook moved down, he hesitated briefly, but Dahyun lifted her head a bit and stroked Jungkook's nose with nose. Jungkook smiled at her cuteness and was about to kiss her on her lips when they heard a noise outside the kitchen. With a startle, they abruptly let go of each other and turned back to the table. The noises were coming nearer. Jungkook and Dahyun tried to stay calm.

"Why does someone always have to come when we…", Jungkook sighed.

Dahyun giggled. He was right. It was the second time they got interrupted.

"Oh. You guys are awake?", Cha Tae Hyun's voice came from behind.

Jungkook and Dahyun turned to him.

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