Aoraki Mount Cook

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The next day Jungkook woke up early. Before going out, he washed up, did his skin treatment, which he was usually doing after breakfast, adjusted his hair and even put on cologne. He went to the kitchen and looked around, but he was alone. Dahyun wasn't awake yet. Jungkook went to the stairs and looked up. He asked himself when she was going to wake up. Should he write to her? Jungkook rubbed his neck. This was not a good idea. It would be an intrusive behaviour right on the first day. Jungkook went back to the kitchen and stood at the counter. He was thinking what to do when his eyes fell on the corner at the sink where Jungkook and Dahyun kissed. He thought of last night, the moment when they embraced each other. He didn't know how or why, but he felt that this was the start of a new journey. The kiss was not a mistake, not a one time thing. It happened because they couldn't hide their feelings anymore. Jungkook smiled to himself. It was going to be a moment he was never going to forget. When she grabbed and pulled him to herself and kissed innerly, he thought he was going to explode from excitement. Feeling that the girl he liked was also liking him back, was a different kind of happiness. Thinking about her made Jungkook excited again. He turned around and decided to cook breakfast. One by one he took the ingredients and started to prepare breakfast according to the receipts. Time passed and he was almost done when the members appeared in the kitchen. They woke up to the smell of the food they said and showed their gratitude to him for spontaneously making food. Jungkook smiled and thanked them but his eyes were inconspicuously looking for Dahyun. She didn't come. Jungkook started worrying if she wasn't coming because of him. Maybe she was regretting the last night. She might have kissed him because of the tension, but decided that he was not the right one. Suddenly all of his excitement dropped. He tried to not make it obvious to the others, but his energy disappeared slowly. Nana came to the kitchen and started helping Jungkook with putting the food on the plate. Behind her Lee Hyo Ri appeared.

"Is Dahyun not awake yet?", she asked Nana.

Immediately Jungkook's attention got drawn to the conversation. Without looking at them he listened carefully to what they were talking.

"She woke up. She's in the bathroom", Nana explained, "But she doesn't look good."

Jungkook paused in the middle of his action. She was not okay?

"Why? What does she have?", Lee Hyo Ri asked worriedly.

"I don't know. She didn't look well.", Nana guessed.

"Alright. I will look for her if she doesn't come.", Lee Hyo Ri decided.

Jungkook started feeling bad. If she was not feeling well because of him, wouldn't that mean that he made a big mistake by kissing her?

"Is the meat done?", Kim Sook asked.

"Huh? Oh, yes, it's done.", Jungkook got flustered.

Jungkook took the meat out of the pot while the others brought the plates to the table. Jungkook was the last member to come to the table and sit down. Everyone started eating while he looked for the last time at the stairs.


Dahyun was in front of the mirror looking at herself. She had been in the bathroom for 10 minutes but was still not ready to leave. Her heart was beating fast and she felt hot for no reason. She had washed her face, did her skin care and even splashed water on her neck but her temperature didn't go down. She was nervous to see Jungkook. Dahyun brushed her hair to the back and took another deep breath after countless breaths that she had taken to calm herself down. She was nervous and didn't know what to do, but she couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. She had to go down and see Jungkook anyway, so there was no escape from it. Dahyun closed her eyes and took a very last deep breath. Then she turned to the door and opened. She walked the stairs down slowly and with every step her heart rate raised. Finally, at the last step, she paused, took another breath and stepped down to go to the table. Everyone was sitting at the table and eating. Dahyun didn't see Jungkook at first sight because he had his head lowered down while eating. Only when Lee Hyo Ri called Dahyun's name, he immediately lifted his head and looked at her curiously with his big round eyes. His cheeks looked bloated because he had food in his mouth and stopped chewing. Dahyun made short eye contact with him but had to look away quickly to avoid raising her nervousness.

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