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Next morning Dahyun woke up and saw Jungkook sleeping next to her. He was sleeping on his stomach, had his arms under his chest and his cheek pressed on the bed. Dahyun rubbed her eyes and looked at him again. She put her arms under her head, pulled her legs up to her stomach and watched him for a while. His mouth was halfopen from his pressed cheek, his black hair stood in different directions and his naked body looked puffed from muscles. Dahyun wondered how attractive and cute this man could look at the same time. She loved the way his appearance radiated different vibes. His big eyes, nose, mouth and his tall and muscular body proportion could look strong and manly, but also innocent and child-like. As if there was a child in him that wasn't growing up with his body. Dahyun adored this side of him. She carefully moved closer to him and, to not wake him up, she planted a soft kiss on his shoulder. Right then she noticed red spots on Jungkook's back. Dahyun straightened herself up on bed and inspected his back.

"Huh! Omo.", Dahyun covered her mouth to not be loud.

Jungkook had red scratches on his back. Without knowing Dahyun must have scratched him of pleasure last night. She touched a spot softly and was glad that they were not too deep. Dahyun felt embarrassed. She pushed the blanket away and got out of the bed carefully. On the floor, she found her dress and underwear and wore them quickly. On the wall was a mirror attached. Dahyun's eyes fell on her reflection in the mirror. The dress looked indeed sexy on her. Dahyun smiled at herself and felt delighted to have impressed Jungkook like this. But she didn't want to run around the house in this dress. She went inside Jungkook's closet cabinet and looked around. His closet looked very tidy and diligent. Dahyun went to the shelf where the t-shirts were and pulled out one piece. Underneath she found the sweatpants and Dahyun picked one that had strings, so that she could fasten them. She took off her nightdress and put it on the shelf. After wearing Jungkook's clothes, she left the closet and checked on Jungkook one last time before leaving the bedroom. Dahyun went to the bathroom and washed up. Her make-up got smeared a bit last night, but with Jungkook's cleansing products she cleaned her face and brought out her smooth light skin. She left the bathroom and went into the kitchen to prepare something to eat. Last night Dahyun actually had not eaten anything because she was nervous, and after the sex she had feld even more hungry, but only now she got to eat something. She prepared a light breakfast with toast and bacon and shoved bites into her mouth while preparing. After some time she set the table and went into the bedroom. Jungkook was still sleeping, but this time he was making snoring noises. Dahyun sat down on the bed next to him and leaned down to kiss him on his cheek. Jungkook started moving, but didn't open his eyes, so Dahyun put another kiss on his cheek. Now he was opening his eyes slowly and smiled when he saw Dahyun.

"Morning.", Dahyun smiled back, "Breakfast is ready."

"Hmpf…", Jungkook stretched his arms, then he grabbed Dahyun, pressed her on himself and turned with her to the other side, "Breakfast can wait."

Dahyun giggled when Jungkook buried his face into her neck and started tickling her with kisses.

"But the food will get cold.", Dahyun could bring it out while laughing.

"No problem. I can eat you. You're hot.", Jungkook smirked.

"Ah, seriously.", Dahyun hit his chest, "Anyways. I'm waiting for you."

Dahyun freed herself from Jungkook's hug, leaned down again and pressed her lips on his cheek. She squeezed his cheeks when kissing him over and over again, then she climbed out of bed and walked to the door. Jungkook watched her leave. She was wearing his baggy clothes. What a pity. She was looking gorgeous in that sexy nightdress. Jungkook turned to the ceiling and closed his eyes shortly. Scenes from last night rolled in front of his eyes. Her touch on his body, her warmth on his skin, her scent under his nose, her scream in his ears. The pleasure, the joy. Everything from last night was engraved in his memory. Jungkook bit on his lip and smiled. He felt happy all of a sudden. He pushed back the sheet and got out of the bed. He wore his sweatpants and left the room. Dahyun was pouring coffee for him into a cup when Jungkook went into the bathroom to wash up. After adjusting his hair and checking his appearance, he went to the kitchen and gave Dahyun a back hug. Dahyun was busy pouring orange juice into her glass and paused shortly to accept Jungkook's morning greeting. Then they sat down at the table and started eating. Both of them had been hungry like a bear and swept everything that was on the table. After filling their stomachs, they leaned back and rested on the chair. Dahyun looked to the living room and a strange feeling of something missing hit her.

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