Marokopa Falls

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The members woke up and went down for breakfast at 10am. At the table the producer explained to them the day's schedule, which was the Marokopa Falls, and warned them that they could get wet at the waterfall. Knowing what was going to approach them, the members put towels and hot packs into their bags before leaving the hotel. The ride took 3 hours. The shooting started right after they arrived and the members headed to the Te Anga road that was leading to the Fall which was a 10 minutes walk in the woods. The road was beautiful and, rather than getting exhausted, the members observed the walk as healing. Leaf rustles, wind blowing, animal sounds and nature scents accompanied them. Dahyun took pictures of the surroundings and enjoyed a talk with Nana on the way. Jungkook walked right behind them. He unintentionally heard their conversation.

"I will look for cosmetics. I heard about a brand from here. I want to try it out.", Nana said.

"Cosmetics sounds good. I will buy some souvenirs. Before coming I looked up what's popular in New Zealand and found out that the bird kiwi is like a symbol. Also buzzy bees and honey. But I want to buy a necklace from Greenstone too. They looked really beautiful in the pictures.", Dahyun said.

Jungkook figured out that they were talking about what they wanted to buy in the city of Auckland after returning to the hotel. Jungkook had not made any plans about what he wanted to do in the city, but the idea to buy New Zealand souvenirs sounded good. Slowly they were nearing the waterfall with the growing noise of water pouring. When they turned around the corner, they faced the huge Marokopa Fall. A fresh wind blew towards them and the sound of water became louder. Amazed by the sight in front of them, the members walked towards it.

"Are we allowed to go near the water or do we have to look at it on this porch?", Lee Hyo Ri asked the producer.

"As you wish. You can look at it from here or observe it in its proximity.", the producer replied.

The members stopped at the porch and looked around. The area was big with lots of trees on the sides and the water was running between the rocky hills like a river. They decided to go closer. The cameramen had difficulties in walking and filming the members at the same time. But they managed to not slide with the help of the members, who paid attention where they stepped and held onto their cameramen when the ground was too steep. Finally they were close to the falling water where Kim Sook decided to stop and watch the others. The other members kept walking until they reached the nearest spot they could get to the waterfall. Even though they were not too close to the Fall, a huge amount of water splashed on them.

"Oh! I think I will stop here. The water is cold.", Lee Hyo Ri said.

Nana stopped as well and pulled her phone to take photos. Cha Tae Hyun, Go Kyung Pyo, Jungkook and Dahyun walked a bit nearer. There was a big rock in the middle of the river, where the water was falling on.

"I will climb on the rock.", Jungkook said excitedly and started climbing down to the river.

Seeing Jungkook being fearless, Dahyun also wanted to experience the waterfall from near.

"I'm coming with you.", she said and followed him.

At the side of the river, Jungkook made a big step and put one foot on the rock. Then he turned around and waited for Dahyun to come closer.

"You go first.", Jungkook opened his hand and held it to Dahyun to hold onto it.

When Dahyun stood in front of him, she grabbed his hand and made a big step on the rock. Jungkook gently pushed her from her back to make her stay stable and not to fall backwards. After making sure she was okay, he jumped on his foot and pushed himself onto the rock as well. Right behind him Go Kyung Pyo appeared too, who also wanted to see the waterfall from the near. Dahyun, Jungkook and Go Kyung Pyo climbed the rock up. On the top of the rock the members started becoming even more wet, but they still tried to stand and enjoy the moment. Jungkook took out his phone and tried to take pictures, but the lens was becoming wet and taking decent photos was almost impossible. While constantly wiping his face and trying to keep his eyes open, Jungkook turned around to take a selfie with the waterfall at the back. On the screen his eyes fell on Dahyun who was behind him standing watching the water. After hesitating shortly, he turned around and called for Dahyun.

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