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Dahyun was sitting in the restaurant at the airport. The plane was going to take off in 2 hours and she had plenty of time until the gates opened. She was reading her book when the waiter came with a cake, ramen, steak and drinks. Dahyun put away her book and made space for the plates. She thanked the waiter and took a sip from her drink. She took the fork and was about to cut a piece from her cake when Jungkook came back from the toilet and sat down on the opposite side.

"Woah, I feel hungry.", he said and looked at Dahyun's cake, "Are you sure you don't want to eat anything? You didn't eat much yesterday either."

"I think I will fill my stomach after we land. Until then I can just take bites from your plate when I crave for something.", Dahyun said.

"As you wish, Dahyun-shi.", Jungkook said and started eating his food.

Dahyun shoved the piece of cake into her mouth. It was a carrot cake. Dahyun smiled. Whenever she ate a carrot cake, the memories of 7 years ago came to her mind. The cake that led her and Jungkook to their first kiss. Dahyun looked at Jungkook who was deliciously eating his food. His eyebrows were frowning. The food was tasteful. Dahyun turned back to her cake and remembered the past. It had been 7 years since their relationship started. Exactly 7 years ago today, they had flown to New Zealand, with no thoughts and no feelings for each other. The only thought that they had was to spend 10 days overseas to discover a different country. But instead they had discovered their own feelings for each other. It was crazy how far they came. Jungkook cut a piece of meat and held it to Dahyun.

"Take one bite.", he insisted.

Dahyun opened her mouth, but Jungkook pulled the fork back. Dahyun looked at him and saw him smiling at her. She knew what he wanted.

"Here?", she looked around.

"What? Nobody is looking.", Jungkook looked around as well, "But I promise a tiny one is enough."

Dahyun went with the top of her tongue inside her cheek to show him her annoyance to which he laughed amused. Dahyun rolled her eyes and leaned forward. Jungkook leaned to her as well and let her kiss him on his lips. Then he shoved the meat into her mouth.

"It's delicious, right?", he asked while he watched her eating.

"Mhmm.", Dahyun liked it.

"You want to eat it now, right?", Jungkook asked.

She looked at him with her innocent almond eyes. Jungkook chuckled.

"I knew it. That's why I ordered ramen for myself.", he said and put the plate in front of Dahyun after cutting the meat into pieces.

While eating deliciously, Dahyun hoped to not feel sick on the plane, but it was too delicious to leave it. Jungkook leaned back and watched her eating. He loved watching her when she ate delicious food. She always had this beautiful expression while eating. For the past 7 years he watched and memorized her mimics, observed her actions and fell in love with her over and over again. He smiled. He loved her from head to toe. Jungkook looked at the table and saw her carrot cake. After taking a bite from it, he also remembered the time when they kissed for the first time in the middle of the night in the kitchen of a lodge. He was glad that he showed the courage to make a move on her. He couldn't even imagine what would have happened, if he never opened up his feelings to her. So many things would have never happened. Jungkook thought back to the time when Dispatch had exposed their relationship.

The companies had talked about the matter and had come to the conclusion to confirm their relationship right on the day the articles came out. They told them that it was best to admit. But as expected some netizens expressed their discomfort and confusion of Jungkook's and Dahyun's relationship starting after they filmed for the variety show in New Zealand, where they had spent 10 days together. Some ill mannered reporters even used this to attack both with malicious defamations, raising a suspicion of them having inappropriate closeness during the time they were in New Zealand. It was clear that these ill movements were planned to sabotage TWICE and BTS right before their comebacks. But unfortunately some netizens fell for this and attacked not only Jungkook and Dahyun, but also the groups and the companies, to the extent that a boycott was threatening both groups. To stop this nonsense, the crew of 'More Than Nation' had to step forward to clarify that there had never been an inappropriate closeness between any members and, even though the members were not filmed 24/7, they were still never left alone and always stayed in groups. To confirm this, the cast members also spoke up and agreed that they were always together and even slept in their rooms as groups. In this situation Lee Hyo Ri and Cha Tae Hyun decided to not reveal their knowledge about the relationship. With the confirmation of the crew and the cast, a couple weeks later the allegations died and Jungkook and Dahyun could breathe in relief. But after the news broke out, the viewership of 'More Than Nation' rose drastically. The audience got curious how their relationship might have started and tuned in the show to catch signs of Jungkook and Dahyun's interactions. Some sharp observers caught Jungkook's gaze on Dahyun in some episodes and Dahyun's shyness in Jungkook's presence. Their scene of finding sculptures together in Gibbs Farm became a hit romantic scene that the public described as 'K-Drama Syndrome'. A viewer even made a compilation of the scenes where Jungkook's and Dahyun's interests grew from being less to falling in love with each other. The last scene of the compilation video was the scene where Jungkook and Dahyun jumped at Bungee Jumping in Queenstown where Jungkook grabbed her hand. After watching the show the viewers realized that it was not as scandalous as they thought it would be. Quite the reverse, they enjoyed not only their little romantic interests but also the show in general. Some viewers expressed their opinion on Naver that they started watching the show for Jungkook and Dahyun, but got absorbed into the show because it was not only fun, but also educational. But the biggest support came from ONCE and ARMY which Dahyun and Jungkook felt grateful for. They didn't only defend them from haters, but also supported their relationship and the show. After seeing the support of their fans, Jungkook and Dahyun decided to write a thank you message to them. Jungkook posted a photo on Weverse of him smiling to the camera while hugging Dahyun, whereas he held the camera in front of him and only Dahyun's back could be seen, and thanked ARMYs for accepting and supporting his love for her. Dahyun posted a picture on Bubble of her holding Jungkook's hand with a message to ONCEs feeling proud of them and an endless gratefulness to them for supporting her relationship. The fans adored their openness and thanked Jungkook and Dahyun for sharing their feelings with them.

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