SBS Broadcasting Center

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1 month later. It was the Press Conference of the show 'More Than Nation'. Jungkook arrived with his manager at the broadcast station. Too many people were waiting outside. He had seen ARMYs, ONCEs and reporters in the crowd. The manager parked the car in the building's garage and together with his stylists, bodyguard and manager Jungkook went up. They got out at the 6th floor and went straight to the waiting room that was reserved for the 'More Than Nation' cast. When Jungkook entered the room the other members greeted and hugged him. Jungkook went to all of them one by one. Only Dahyun had not arrived yet. Lee Hyo Ri and Nana were getting their make-up done with the help of their stylists while the others were just sitting and talking. Jungkook was already wearing his outfit for the Press Conference and had his make-up done in the company. He went to Go Kyung Pyo and sat down on the couch.

"How have you been?", Go Kyung Pyo asked.

"Busy but good.", Jungkook smiled.

"Any changes in your life?", Cha Tae Hyun asked suddenly.

Jungkook was flustered by the question. He didn't know what he meant.

"Well… here and there… some tiny changes happened.", Jungkook answered vaguely and changed the topic quickly, "I heard the day of the airtime changed."

Go Kyung Pyo explained Jungkook the reason while Cha Tae Hyun and Lee Hyo Ri exchanged gazes through the mirror. Lee Hyo Ri knew very well what Cha Tae Hyun was implying with his question and with Jungkook's avoidance of answering properly, he indirectly confirmed his relationship with Dahyun. Right then it knocked at the door and Dahyun appeared in the room. She smiled brightly as soon as she saw everyone.

"Ooo, Dahyun.", Lee Hyo Ri said.

Dahyun went to her side and hugged her. She also greeted Nana and Kim Sook with hugs and bowed to Cha Tae Hyun, Go Kyung Pyo and Jungkook. Jungkook looked at her without blinking. In the last month they had met a couple of times at his house or outside, at places where no one was and had spent fun times and romantic dates together. The last time they were together was 2 days ago, so they were not meeting after a long time. Dahyun came to his side and sat down but a bit distanced from him. Jungkook looked at her. She was wearing black leather high heels, black tight waist pants that pointed out her perfectly formed thin legs and apple shaped hip. Above she was wearing a black cropped piece that only covered her breast and rips and exposed her thin waist and bare chest. She was also wearing a black suit jacket and accessories that suited her style. Her hair was loose and her make-up pointed out her beautiful eyes. She looked elegant and attractive. Dahyun noticed Jungkook's gaze and made him a sign to stop looking at her to which Jungkook suppressed a smile and turned to the front. Dahyun inspected his clothes as well. He was wearing black shoes, a black shirt, a black tie and a black suit. He was all in black just like her. So this was the reason why he had called her to ask what she was going to wear. He had been planning to suit her style. Dahyun's eyes wandered on his back up to his hair. He looked chic with his hairstyle and his piercings on that suit. The door opened and a staff member came in. He told the members that the Press Conference was going to start in 20 minutes and asked the members to get ready within 10 minutes. The members agreed and finished their preparation within the given time. Then they left the room and went down. They could hear cheers from outside. They followed the staff to a room that was the backstage of a hall, where the reporters were sitting. The members waited patiently and listened to the host introducing the show to the reporters. Then he announced the members one by one for the photoshoot. As soon as the members stepped out to the hall, cameras and flashlights went off. The members had to stand on the platform and pose for the cameras. The photoshoot took some time with solo shoots and group schoots. Finally it ended and only the interview part remained. While the tables and chairs got prepared on the platform, the members' stylists adjusted their looks at the back. With the host inviting the members and the producer back into the hall, the members stepped out and walked on the platform. Names of the members were placed on the table and everyone took their place. Jungkook and Dahyun got to sit next to each other. The reporters were all in front of them with their laptops and cameras. The press conference started with the members introducing themselves and went on with the producer explaining the show. The host asked questions here and there and made sure every member answered. Lastly the reporters asked questions they were curious about. At some point Dahyun felt thirsty because she had been nervous since the start of the press conference, but looking at the table she couldn't see a water bottle near her. Jungkook next to her saw Dahyun looking along the table. He noticed that she was looking for something. When looking along the table as well, he realized that everyone had a water bottle but not Dahyun. Jungkook looked to his left and right. But nothing. He turned to Dahyun and saw her sitting silently and giving up. Even though reporters were in front of them who took notes of everything they saw, Jungkook didn't care. He grabbed his water bottle, opened the cap and held it to Dahyun. Dahyun hesitated first, but took it with a neck bow. She turned to the other side and drank a bit without her lips touching the bottle. It was manners to not drink directly from someone else's bottle. Dahyun gave it back to Jungkook who closed the cap and put it back on the table. In the meantime Jungkook heard cameras and flashlights going off when he gave the bottle. This was definitely going to make it into the articles. One of the reporters raised his hand to ask a question. His question was to Dahyun. He wanted to know if joining 'More Than Nation' as a cast changed anything in her life and if she was considering to be more on variety shows as an idol since she was already known for doing good in variety shows. Dahyun thanked the reporter first before answering.

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