Actress AU! Drabble

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Momo sighed at the thought of the instructions she received from her script for the episode they were shooting today. She could remember the look of worry on Kyouka's face as she hid it with a smile and a mention of a scene she had with Kaminari. It's not like Kyouka and Momo didn't know it was happening. They were waiting for the day to come. The day Momo's character and Todoroki's character had to kiss. Had it been a modest kiss, like a kiss on the cheek or a simple peck, both Momo and Kyouka wouldn't care as much. Yet, it was clear as day on the script. Todoroki and Momo had to share a steamy kiss.

"Are you positive this is natural for our characters?" Momo asked. Despite clearly not loving the fact she had to kiss Todoroki, she found it puzzling how fast the development between their characters was.

"I view it as built-up tension," Kayama explained. "Currently in the story, you and Todoroki's characters have almost kissed multiple times and have had many romantic encounters. This scene is important to confirm some things."

"Fair enough. I understand your reasoning," Momo sighed, her hand running through her hair out of her usual ponytail.

Kayama shifted her feet, looking up at Momo. "Are you uncomfortable with this scene? I know it may go against your contract, but I don't want to ruin your friendship with Todoroki."

"I'm not uncomfortable with this scene. Besides, I've had multiple other kiss scenes with other actors," Momo said, emphasizing her points with her actions. "I just know that Kyouka isn't the most excited over this as am I."

Kayama squealed, jumping in place as she clapped her hands together. "God, your guys' relationship is just adorable!" She cooed, taking Momo's hands in hers. "Do you think it's out of character for you and Kyouka's characters to end up dating?"

"As nice as that sounds," Momo awkwardly laughed. "There have been over two seasons of build-up for me and Todoroki and this is the last season."

"Well, comes with the job. Happy making out!" Kayama waved Momo towards the set.

Momo awkwardly stood at her spot, staring at the transparent tape showing her place to stand for the scene. Todoroki approached quickly after standing near the door on the set. He made awkward eye contact with Momo. "Is Jirou okay with this?"

"She won't kill you. It just comes with the job," Momo answered, knowing that Todoroki would understand Kyouka's feelings regarding their kiss scene.

A sharp noise interrupted their brief conversation. "Unnecessarily dramatic kiss scene!" Hizashi shouted. "Action!"

Todoroki panted as fake sweat dripped down his forehead. "Why did you run? I never got to give you my answer."

"We've been through this many times. I'm tired of this," Momo said, letting out a choked sob. "I'm tired of acting like we're just friends in front of everyone! Why can't I love you? Why can't I show the world that?" She almost laughed at the irony in that statement and how much of it could be held true to her and Kyouka's relationship.

A brief pause occurred as they looked at each other. Todoroki's eyes looked deep into Momo's. He looked as if he was considering something. "Then let's show it. Let me show you off to the world."

Momo gulped.

Todoroki approached Momo, his hand on her cheek. Momo looked deep into his heterochromia eyes. His forehead leaned against Momo's and just as their lips were about to touch, Momo's nose hit Todoroki's.


The scene continued as before, both repeating their lines with ease. Just as their lips touched, they heard a loud bang, interrupting the scene.

"Cut! Quiet on the set!" Hizashi shouted. "Who did that?"

"Sorry!" Kirishima panicked. "I dropped some props!"

The next time it happened, Momo and Todoroki were mid-kiss, the former pushing away with a quick apology. "Sorry, I couldn't breathe and I almost choked." Following that take, a loud sneeze interrupted them, Midoriya quickly apologizing and leaving the set.

Momo sighed, irritated with the number of interruptions that they've had. She wished they could've gotten this scene over with and she could join Kyouka back in her trailer where she knew Kyouka waited for her. With how long this scene was taking, Momo could tell that Kyouka knew their kiss scene had to be shot multiple times.

Momo's lips moved against Todoroki's eagerly. Her teeth nipped at his bottom lip as the kiss deepened. His hands were a lot rougher than Kyouka's, whereas Kyouka would hold her gently as if she was an angel. Todoroki's actions were rash and quick, each hand moving to other parts of her body, before settling in her hair, pulling her closer. His lips were nothing compared to Kyouka's soft ones and as the kiss continued, Momo could tell she already missed her girlfriend's lips. Going into this scene, she planned to imagine Todoroki was Kyouka, hoping to make the kiss seem more believable. Though she found it to be impossible for every comparison that ran through her brain. She ached for Kyouka's presence the moment the kiss ended. She wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with her girlfriend and hear her soft and calming voice, after the frustration she felt filming this scene.


Momo entered her trailer with a huff. She was happy that she finally finished filming today. The constant retakes had tired her, and she wanted nothing more than to cuddle up with her girlfriend. The rough feeling of Todoroki's lips lingered on her lips, a feeling she didn't like.

The moment she entered her trailer, she spotted Kyouka sitting on her makeup chair, scrolling through her phone.

"Done filming?" Kyouka asked, turning towards Momo. Momo nodded and set down her bag on the wide couch.

"I'm sorry it took long. There were a lot more interruptions than I'd like."

"I can tell," Kyouka chuckled. "Kirishima messaged me an unnecessary long apology for making you and Todoroki kiss again."

A rare uncomfortable silence settled between the two. Momo walked behind Kyouka and stared at Kyouka through the mirror, setting her hands on her shoulder. "You're not mad?" She asked, hesitating as she spoke.

"I have no right to be," Kyouka sighed, looking at the mirror to see Momo had turned her head away. "It's all just a part of the job. Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish to be the one kissing you on set."

"I wish I were kissing you too," Momo admitted with a smile. "Todoroki's kisses are too rough to my liking."

Kyouka kissed Momo's hand, smiling at the warmth she missed while Momo was filming. "Don't tell me how he kisses you. I'm going to end up seeing it on my Twitter when the episode is up, sadly."


Momo's arms pulled Kyouka close against her chest, wrapping her arms around her waist as she rested her chin on her shoulder. Her skin was soft and warm as always, a feeling Momo has grown to love continuously. She places a brief kiss against Kyouka's temple, smiling into the kiss at the contact she desperately missed from her girlfriend.

Kyouka placed her arms alongside Momo's and squeezed her hands appreciatively. "You're quite clingy today," Kyouka teased. A giggle elicited from her lips as Momo kissed her exposed shoulder. "Oh, you're very clingy today, Momo Yaoyorozu." Her full name played off her lips naturally, as Kyouka always used her full name to tease her.

"I missed you," Momo incoherently whispered into Kyouka's shoulder. "I never want to take that long filming a scene ever again."

"Baby, I know you don't," Kyouka cooed. "But you have a big day tomorrow, so make sure you head to your place soon."

That only made Momo pull Kyouka closer with an inaudible pout. "Can I sleep with you today? I don't feel like going back to my apartment."

Kyouka smiled at Momo's clinginess. "Your spare clothes are still in my dresser."

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