Headcanons (Detailed)

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MomoJirou Headcanons

Theme: Who fell first? / Who confesses first?


1. The two are oblivious to their own feelings. They aren't fully aware what their feeling can be romantic, as there always seem to be more pressing matters at hand. Rather than the feelings they have for each other being pushed aside, it always builds up. They have a tendency to be around each other, so it's only natural. That tendency grew as even when they're separated for a mission or a fight against a villain, they always talk to each other right after.

2. Jirou realized her feelings first. That realization came after some much needed thinking as she lazed around in her room. She ended up unintentionally comparing how she acts around some of her classmates to how she acts around Momo. She tends to hyper focus on her protective nature towards her, as well as how much time they truly spend together. Her feelings and how she acts with the knowledge of them were embarrassing her at first. Though she dealt with it in the only way she knew how, which always translated to music.

To cope with her feelings, she'd write her feelings down and sometimes they would turn into songs. Some of her lyrics embarrassed her at first for the cheesy nature that didn't exactly seem "on brand" for Kyouka Jirou. She learned to deal with it because the person she had a crush on was someone she was already so close to.

3. Momo's feelings for Jirou hits her like a truck. It was like many factors building up before she realized. She realizes that the many emotions Jirou makes her feel are different from how another friend may make her feel. She ends up being hyperaware of her emotions and how she's feeling, which ends up in Momo getting in her own head. The last straw for her was when she felt jealous about how Jirou interacted with some of their friends. She realized Jirou was a lot more free and had a joking manner with some of their classmates. Whereas for her, she worried she was too uptight for Jirou to act like that around her.

Then her realization ran deep after she wanted to be a person that could make Jirou genuinely smile. The type of smile that hurts, but the person doesn't realize it because they're that happy. Though she may get jealous of one's fighting capability, she never felt it in that context. It was new to her, which was what intrigued her. Though she hated her feelings at first, because of her newfound, albeit rare jealousy, she learned to embrace it because she wouldn't want to have feelings for anybody else.

4. Momo confesses first because it only felt right to do so. She always planned to confess because she felt like Jirou should know, even if she didn't like her back. The thought saddened her, but she knew and trusted that they would still be friends, no matter the result. Momo had a brief idea and plan of some sort on how the confession would go overall, though the process was something else. She ended up debating on the setting and time which ended up in her searching up the weather predictions. It went crazy, and she had to stop herself before she went way in over her head. Something told her that Jirou wouldn't want something over the top, anyway.

When she confesses nothing goes according to plan, some people end up interrupting or she simply can't get find a private enough area. She knew she could call over Jirou to her room or ask her if she could come over, but it bothered her. She ended up psycho analyzing what she could deem as normal enough for her.

Everything ended up piling up and at some point she almost gave up and pushed it aside for another day. She was worried and stressed, and Jirou could tell. Before Momo could even give up on confessing her feelings that day, Jirou looked at her with so much worry in her eyes. She asked if she was okay and in that moment; she let everything go naturally. That moment made her realize she had to confess. Even though she didn't want to worry Jirou, what pushed her most of all was the fact Jirou even realized how she was feeling.

Momo guided Jirou outside their dorm by the entrance so they could talk. She struggles to get her feelings across at first since she kept on thinking about it, but eventually lets go and says everything she was feeling in that moment. Jirou almost cries at the confession, and halfway through ended up pulling her into a hug. As Jirou explains her own feelings, with a less impressive vocabulary, Momo buries her face into the hug to hide her flustered state.

5. Before they agreed to start a relationship, as Momo ended up wording it, they talked about whether they were ready for it. Being a hero in training was stressful and sometimes people push romantic relationships aside just to focus on it. That aside, pro-heroes had a demanding job, and there wasn't a guarantee to make it out alive. There was always something to consider and talk about, and they both wanted nothing more than to be sure this wouldn't affect their friendship.

Momo starts off unsure as she truly didn't expect this to happen when attending U.A, though Jirou's own words end up making her realize some things require taking a chance. Jirou wanted to take that risk merely because Momo was that special to her. They both would rather regret something that happened than regret something that didn't. Even though they both knew they'd never regret dating each other, no matter what the future had in store.

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