College/No Quirk AU! Oneshot

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AU: College student Momo Yaoyorozu has her first ever date after being home schooled for a majority of her life. Having been sheltered and under a lot of rules growing up, she finally feels free to experience things her other peers had already done.

"I guess it's a good thing Ochako and Hagakure aren't here after all," Tsuyu quipped. Though the comment could be seen as rude she was simply trying to lighten the mood. Jirou looked like she wanted to murder someone and Mina was glaring at everyone in the restaurant.

"Had I known Momo would've gotten stood up , I would've saved her from this disaster," Mina mumbled. She laid her head on the restaurant table, pushing her empty plate aside bitterly. Everytime she glanced at Momo from across the restaurant things just seem to get worse. First the waiters, though just doing their job, weren't making anything better by constantly asking Momo if she wanted to order anything. Then the other people around them were staring at Momo like she was an enigma. Sure she seemed to stick out like a sore thumb when everyone else had company and the chair across from her was empty but they could at least mind their own business.

It was an endless cycle and the three friends watching from afar felt like it lasted for hours. Momo's first actual proper date started with her waiting for her date for almost half an hour, and would most likely end with her leaving the restaurant alone. The thought innervated Jirou and she wanted nothing more than to walk up to Momo's table and act like she was her date.

Yet, there was something about Momo's mannerisms that made her hold back. It was the constant checking of her phone as she texted someone, with a hopeful smile. Then to only look up at the door minutes later as it opened with a beaming grin to only deflate in her chair and check her phone once again.

"Do any of you have the guy's phone number?" Mina asked, sparing herself the trouble of looking at Momo's failure of a date any longer.

Tsuyu shook her head. "Had I had his phone number I would've called him a lot earlier than this, trust me."

"I would've made sure the guy actually showed up," Jirou spat. Her food was practically left untouched aside from the occasional fries Mina would steal from her plate and even the few Mina would feed her, claiming she needed to eat.

"Isn't there something we can do?" Tsuyu voiced aloud. She had given up hope on Momo's date showing up twenty five minutes ago.

A silence followed the table as Jirou texted Momo trying to keep her mind off her date, as Mina sat there pondering a thought. She piped up, sitting up properly as her eyes widened. "We can all pretend to be her dates, and she'll have a fun time because her friends will distract her from the asshole."

Jirou looked up from her phone at Mina, staring at her weirdly. "I get the intention but won't that bring even more attention to her? Plus, I feel like Momo would feel guilty if all three of us do that for her."

"Why don't you go over there and save her from her date then?" Mina sighed.

The thought came to her mind before but everytime she quickly dismissed it. "I'm not the one she wants to see. Besides, I'm pretty sure this restaurant would have something to say about two girls on a date." The last past was mumbled underneath her breath but Mina seemed to get the message. The restaurant, though nice and serving good food, did have a reputation of kicking out two people of the same sex going out on a date. Where even if it was actually just two friends they still kicked them out due to the common implication of the restaurant being for romantic stuff. It was a stupid concept Jirou absolutely loathed but they served good food so she didn't complain.

"But you are the one she's closest to," Tsuyu pointed out. "If there's anyone she wouldn't mind interrupting her 'date' I feel like it's you."

Jirou continued playing around with the thought as they all just seemed to wait for some sign of Momo's date. Another waiter stopped by and simply left a plate of bread and a glass of water at the table, not even bothering to ask Momo if she needed anything. Mina and Tsuyu's comments constantly came back to the forefront of her mind and she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to be the person that forces Momo to acknowledge that her date isn't showing up. Yet by the time a couple nearby pointed at Momo with pitying stares and the latter seemed to notice and only forced a smile, Jirou had enough. There was only one thing she wanted to do and that was to save Momo from her 'date,' even if she had to change a bit to do so.

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