Crack Oneshot

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Mina hasn't had a proper conversation with anyone in Class 1-B, so she definitely didn't expect somebody from the neighboring class to visit the Class 1-A dorms just to talk to her. Especially if that person was Yosetsu Awase, a student whose name she forgot a lot more than she should've. What he ended up talking to her about made her on edge.

Mina was a shipper at heart. She loved seeing the romantic side of everything. Whether it be in her favorite TV show or her two classmates, whose favorite pastime was staring longingly at each other for a disgusting amount of time. So Mina never expected herself to be so disgusted and put off by a ship that was forced down her throat. 'Forced down a throat' was a stretch, but if Awase is telling her he has a crush on Momo then, yes, she was forced to process these two in a romantic context.

It felt weird. Wrong, even. It was as if the earth stopped rotating or as if quirks had magically disappeared. It was random and out of nowhere. Yet, most of all, it lacked substance. The substance the pair was giving her was so lackluster Japan could've been going through a drought over it.

Awase had approached her to ask if he should ask Momo out, and before she even processed the dull pairing, she already knew the answer was a clear "no." The main issue is, of course, the homosexual tendencies surrounding Momo with one of her friends. Though Mina questioned if friends were really the correct term for the two, as in her head it was something else entirely.

"You can't hit on Yaomomo, she already has somebody," Mina paused. "In my mind."

Awase's brows furrowed in confusion. "What? How does that work?"

"So like she's not actually canonically with someone, but in mind she is." She casually explained, as if her terminology would work on normal people.

"Then why can't I ask her out?"

Mina sighed. "Because she's with somebody."

Awase looked tired already from the conversation, though that must've just been his confusion. "But it's in your mind."

"And my headspace is very much valid, thank you very much." Mina grinned as she spoke with an upbeat tone.

Awase slowly blinked as he tried to process Mina's words. "I'm failing to understand what you mean. Why are you feeding into your delusions?"

"Because there are moments that tell me otherwise and feed my delusions," Mina defended with a smile, her pointer and middle finger making air quotes over the word 'delusions.'

"Okay," Awase said, deciding to follow Mina's drift or else they'd end up going in circles. "Who is she with in your mind?"

Mina answered the question immediately as if she was born just to answer that question and had been waiting years to do so. "Kyouka. They're on track to be dating for three years now."

"In your mind?" Awase questioned, his voice faltering slightly.

"In my mind." Mina clarified with a confident smirk.

"There's no way this is healthy," Awase sighed, staring down at the marble table as if it could save him from Mina's antics.

Mina watched as Awase's mind drifted off to somewhere else. Obviously, taking her word for it was doing nothing, and witnessing it could've possibly changed his mind. "Here, watch this," Mina snapped her fingers in front of Awase's face, catching his attention. "Kyouka! Where's Yaomomo?"

Kyouka sat on a neighboring couch with earphones in, but of course, Mina's loud voice was louder than any music she'd played. She looked at Mina in confusion. "Studying in her room. Why?"

Mina smiled as if that proved her point. "It's nothing. Thank you!" She waved off Kyouka to get her attention off them, before turning in her seat to face Awase. "Now, what do you think of that?"

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