Multi-Genre Chatfic Part 2

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Multi-Genre Chatfic

Genres: Crack, Comedy, Angst, Mystery, Romance, Fluff

Things Could've Been Done Differently - Part 2

Words: 9.3k (9,392)

Beta-Reader: WaffleFishes


Temporary Class 2-A Chat

Time: 06:47 AM

[Iida]: Everyone I am happy to announce Jirou and Yaoyorozu are now safe, recovering in the infirmary
[Iida]: They were found at 12 AM by Aizawa-sensei

[Ochako]: So something did happen to them?

[Todoroki]: Are they awake?

[Deku]: Are they in critical condition?

[Bakugou]: do you know the specifics of what happened?

[Iida]: It's good to see you four awake
[Iida]: Usually Aizawa-sensei wouldn't share the details of what happened
[Iida]: But he made an exception for the 11 of us that helped out

[Ochako]: Answer the questions first please

[Tsuyu]: It's best to not keep us waiting
[Tsuyu]: some of us can't be a morning person like you

[Iida]: Right, I apologize
[Iida]: The two are currently asleep with no critical injuries
[Iida]: When they were found they were in pretty rough shape, but nothing too serious that will leave them bedridden for several days

[Deku]: At least it isn't critical

[Ochako]: I'm glad they'll be okay

[Todoroki]: What happened to them?

[Iida]: Yes..that
[Iida]: Regarding the case

[Bakugou]: "case"

[Iida]: Bakugou what they were involved in actually prompted a police report

[Bakugou]: fuck
[Bakugou]: okay

[Iida]: This is according to what Aizawa, and the police has reported
[Iida]: To understand the details entirely we'll have to wait for either Jirou and Yaoyorozu to wake up

[Tsuyu]: So they've been out the entire time for the past, I assume anyway, six hours?
[Tsuyu]: That's concerning

[Iida]: There were a total of five villains at the robbed jewelry store, Butterfly Jewelry. They seem to have struck after the mall has closed, since no people were around except for the five villains and the two heroes

[Hagakure]: Why weren't any alarms tripped up wtf

[Todoroki]: There's a secret sixth or seventh person involved in the robbing I'm guessing

[Iida]: Yes, the police suspect someone a part of Butterfly's staff, or even the mall in general, were working with the villains

[Kirishima]: jesus christ

[Iida]: That's the only way someone could've gotten through without tripping up any alarms, as the mall is confident in their security. Though they aren't sure how Yaoyorozu and Jirou managed to get themselves wrapped up in the scene

[Tsuyu]: "Confident in their security"

[Bakugou]: that's such bullshit, the mall is just trying to act like they played no part in this
[Bakugou]: the two being at the mall past closing time completely contradicts their statement

Drabbles and Oneshots [MomoJirou]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora