Long (one)shot 2

356 8 3

Exhilarating and Something New

AU: Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyouka Jirou are both students at a high end University. Where one of them got in through family relations and the other received a scholarship. Their lives slowly intertwine because of the weather, as uncharted emotions unknowingly start to rise.

Word count: 12.6k (12,624)

Beta-Reader: Neferrious


Reality was always different from what she'd expected.

She met her at the school gates, half past four, on a rainy day. It was over an hour since school ended and their predicament irritated her. She'd hate to get her long hair wet, the puddles forming on the ground pooling over her feet would only cause discomfort. The taller of the two side stepped farther under the balcony as the rain started to spread. Though she'd never dare show it to anyone, Momo was annoyed, tired, and stressed out. It had been a long day and she wanted nothing more than to go home. It was one thing to hand out papers to multiple teachers, but it was something else entirely to run across the entire school just to pass on a message as if cell phones didn't exist.

"Wow, it's really coming down." The other girl who was stuck at school with her, chuckled. Momo didn't know why the situation was laughable, though that was probably her foul mood affecting her actions.

Momo quirked her eyebrows and glanced at her momentarily, pulling a facial expression before hiding it with a smile. "How do you find this funny?" She asked, her hand outstretched towards the rain, her fingertips feeling constant raindrops instantly. Her tone light as always despite the words themselves sounding rude.

"Not exactly funny," she replied. "I just didn't expect you, of all people, to forget an umbrella."

'Of all people.'

There was a crease in between her eyebrows as Momo made a point to step farther away from the other. Something about that phrase irked her more than she'd like to admit. "What are you insinuating with that?" The tone in her voice was evident and even Momo didn't bother masking it at that point. It's been a long day and things were a lot harder to deal with.

"Nothing bad!" She turned towards Momo and put her hands up in innocence. Her dark purple, almost violet, colored hair slick against her face as it slightly got wet by the rain. "I just didn't expect the vice president of the student council to forget an umbrella." Her onyx eyes were kind, making the latter drop the slight attitude peaking out.

"You forgot an umbrella too," Momo pointed out teasingly. She continued staring forward at the school gates, watching as a few cars would pass by, as the tires caused many puddles to splash.

There was no response for a while and Momo thought her company either left or gave up on any conversation between the two of them.

"Never thought I'd see a new side to you. You totally just teased me earlier for a second there." The shorter of the two of them stepped forward towards Momo's line of sight, though a significant distance was in between them. "It's nice, I guess."

She was smiling as she said that. Momo wondered why. It was safe to assume she was well aware of Momo's 'reputation' throughout the school, so how she was acting definitely contrasted that. There was nothing prim and proper with being left out in that rain, and she supposed she wasn't being as nice and friendly as usual.

"If you don't mind me asking," Momo paused. "What's your name?"

She outstretched her hand towards Momo. "I'm Kyouka Jirou. Nice to meet you."

Drabbles and Oneshots [MomoJirou]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon