Fluffy Drabble

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The wrinkled newspaper stared back at Kyouka, almost tauntingly. She recalled wrangling the flimsy piece of paper many times as she read the article. As she read the words over and over, the headline practically ingrained into her head, she wasn't sure what she were to do. On one hand, she could bury herself in blankets in her apartment and wait for someone to find her. On the other, she could find the writer of the article and shock them with her ear jacks until they turn into Denki after he overexerted his quirk. The latter sounded like such a pleasant idea.

Two phone chimes went off, breaking the silence between the couple. Kyouka paled as she read her messages, whereas Momo awkwardly chuckled.

"Is it your parents?" Momo simply asked, turning her head towards Kyouka.

"Yes," she sighed. "And you?"

"Yes, I feel like I'm in store for a very awkward family dinner." Momo's face pulled at her cheeks in a forced smile.

"I'm not going," Kyouka plainly decided, throwing the newspaper to the table across from them.

"What?" Momo asked, turning towards her girlfriend. "You can't just not go. It's your family and my family."

"We're both adults," Kyouka said. Her tone was bored with a hint of irritation. "The difference between then and now is that now our parents don't drag us to wherever the hell they want."

"Then I'm dragging you to the dinner," Momo decided. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking at Kyouka, almost challenging her.

"You can't do that," Kyouka's voice was quick with a hidden layer of panic. "That'll basically confirm the newspaper article for them!" She pointed at the newspaper in Momo's hands.

"Kyouka, the picture of us making out while on duty practically confirms that for us," Momo deadpanned, turning the paper over and showing it to Kyouka.

The picture certainly spoke for itself. Kyouka's arms were pulling Momo closer to her, using the other's cape from her hero costume. She was leaning up to kiss Momo as the other leaned down, holding Kyouka's face adoringly.

"Are you embarrassed for your parents to know you're in a relationship?" Her voice was soft this time, coaxing Kyouka with its usual gentleness. As if she cast a spell, Kyouka’s heart softened and her words had a gentler tone to them.

"I'd never be embarrassed," Kyouka replied in a heartbeat. The sweeter words of the sentiment were never spoken aloud. Even if a part of Kyouka wanted to tell her, she'd never been embarrassed when her girlfriend was someone so great. "I just don't want my parents to bombard you with lots of questions."

"If it makes you feel better, my parents may force you to sign some papers," Momo chuckled.

"What the?" She turned towards Momo in confusion. " Is me dating you the equivalent of applying for a job or something?"

"I'm kidding," Momo laughed. She walked towards the couch Kyouka was sitting on, stopping once in front of it. She bent down till her head was within the level of Kyouka's and held the other's face in her hands lovingly. It practically paralleled the picture in the newspaper article. "Would you go to this dinner, please?" The same gentle tone tore down Kyouka's walls repeatedly, making her prior stubbornness fade away.

"I'm only going for you," Kyouka murmured, refusing to meet Momo’s eyes. “Let me make that clear.”

“You’ve made that clear to me a plethora of times before.” Momo kissed Kyouka’s dusted pink cheek as her hands moved to rest on her shoulders. “It seems that I have a talent for getting you to do things.”

Kyouka met Momo’s kindhearted gaze, the soft look in her eyes making her smile. “This is exactly why you’ll end up being the death of me.” Her fingers trailed up to Momo’s jaw, tilting her face down to meet her lips in a gentle kiss. “Though I have to admit, I don’t exactly hate it.”

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