Multi-Genre Chatfic Part 1

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Multi-Genre Chatfic

Genres: Crack, Comedy, Angst, Mystery, Romance, Fluff

Things Could've Been Done Differently - Part 1

Words: 6.4k (6,462)

Beta-Reader: WaffleFishes


Class 2-A

Time: 06:25 PM

[Iida]: Where are students Kyouka Jirou and Momo Yaoyorozu? It's going to be past curfew in a few hours or so and they haven't returned
[Iida]: Does anyone know?

[Tsuyu]: We know each other’s names Iida
[Tsuyu]: You don't need to say their full name

[Iida]: It's merely the professional thing to do

[Todoroki]: The professional thing to do is already knowing where the two are...

[Iida]: Fair point
[Iida]: I apologize

[Ochako]: I think the two went out at like 4 PM
[Ochako]: I'm not sure

[Iida]: Together or separately?

[Denki]: definitely together lol

[Iida]: So they aren't visiting family or anything like that?

[Deku]: Wouldn't they usually tell you about this type of thing?
[Deku]: I'm pretty sure there's a rule of informing the teacher before you go outside the dorms

[Iida]: That's why it's weird
[Iida]: Plus it's Yaoyorozu, usually she'd tell me where/if she's going out

[Sero]: sorry if this is a stupid question, but like why does it matter?

[Tsuyu]: What do you mean?

[Sero]: why do we have to inform the class rep where/if we go out

[Bakugou]: are you stupid?
[Bakugou]: did you sleep through the lecture we got before having these damn dorms?

[Kirishima]: he probably just forgot

[Sero]: it's a genuine question my guy geez

[Iida]: We need to inform the class rep or the vice class rep of our whereabouts for safety reasons

[Hagakure]: So like if someone was in danger or something like that?
[Hagakure]: Isn't that the type of thing you report to a teacher?

[Bakugou]: 1. don't call me "my guy"

[Sero]: whoops

[Bakugou]: 2. they also need the information in case someone goes missing

[Mina]: wow how nerdy of you bakugou, you listen to our teacher

[Bakugou]: no i just have brain cells unlike you

[Deku]: Guys ;;

[Iida]: Well, yes, what Hagakure and Bakugou said
[Iida]: Aizawa had Yaoyorozu and I handle this so it'd be easier to contact us
[Iida]: Also because he said it'd be easier for students to talk to each other

[Tsuyu]: Are you sure he wasn't just being lazy?

[Deku]: Wait so Yaoyorozu and Jirou really just left the dorm rooms without informing anyone?

[Todoroki]: Yes
[Todoroki]: lida said that already in the first place

[Deku]: I'm just clarifying because that doesn't seem like something Yaoyorozu would do...

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