Headcanons + Drabble

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MomoJirou Headcanons

Theme: Hanging out at the mall


1. Momo is the type to have a set plan when the two hang out together. If it's at a mall, she'd search for what's popular and find out what places have the best food for them to try.

2. Though Jirou doesn't have a whole time table when they hang out together, she's extremely perceptive. If she spots something she thinks Momo would like or enjoy doing, she suggests it. On the off-hand of Jirou finding something that interests her, Momo would notice it by her facial expression and insist they go there first.

3. If they were to argue when hanging out together, it'd always be over who's paying. Momo would obviously volunteer and insist on paying for everything, since she had the funds to do so. Jirou would always end up feeling guilty if someone were to pay for her, so they ultimately end up paying for their own stuff.

4. Momo would unintentionally end up dragging Jirou to some places. Where even if said shop wasn’t on her itinerary, and she spot something cool, she'd go there instantly. It's not that Jirou hated it though, since she found it cute. It also helped that Jirou would end up enjoying whatever they do together. 

5. If they were to be interrupted as they hung out together by a villain attack, they'd obviously rush to the scene. If they're going up against a villain, that's rather weak. The two would unintentionally have a conversation whilst they fight. Even if one of them could take said villain on perfectly fine, they prefer to do it together.


A simple hangout could easily derail depending on what was going on behind the scenes. That was how Jirou always viewed the situation whenever she and Momo hung out together. The instant a jewelry store was being robbed, and they'd hear the alarm going off, it always went the same way. They'd share a quick glance before bolting to the scene, dropping what they were doing just to make sure people were safe.

As they defeated the villain together and made sure they returned the stolen jewelry, it was only natural for a couple of words to be exchanged.

"I heard the store next door has some good deals on clothes." Jirou bent down, kicking at the robber's feet, tripping him up.

Momo was quick to take the stolen jewelry and pick up any stray pieces that fell out of the bag, returning it to the terrified store owner. "I think we should eat first to regain our energy."

Jirou caught the rope Momo created, tieing up the robber's hands behind his back. "You're right. I hear the café by the shoe store makes some good tea."

Momo's eyes lit up. "Ah, I can't wait to try it then. Are you going to let me pay this time?" She picked up the robber's gun that was forced out of his hand the moment they got to the scene. She moved over to Jirou, searching the robber's pockets for any other weapons.

Jirou smiled at the happiness in Momo's voice. "I'll let you pay this time if I pay for the next time we go out."

The banter was only cut short by the robber they were dealing with. "Can't you two talk about this later?"

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