MomoJirou Shorts

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Moments Together

"Are you still awake?" Momo whispered.

Jirou shuffled on the bed, turning over so rather than facing the wall she could see Momo. The space was cramped but that was the best they could work with. "Yeah," she yawned.

"I'm sorry for asking you two of this," Momo solemnly expressed. "I really didn't want to bother you and Mina."

"It's okay, we don't mind. You needed a place to stay."

"Thank you," Momo smiled. She glanced around at their cramped scenario as they both laid on the top bunk of the bunk beds. "Also I'm sorry, I'm taking over your bunk." She embarrassingly chuckled to which Jirou couldn't help but smile at.

"Well our college dorm is small so it's not like we could sleep anywhere else."

"That must be terrible for any instruments you'd like to keep in here," Momo teased.

"It is," Jirou quietly sighed. "Mina literally made a rule that I could only keep one instrument in our dorms."

"Was it hard to choose what instrument?"

"No, it always seems natural for me to have a bass."

"You play the bass beautifully."

Momo reached over, brushing a stray piece of hair that fell out of place.

Jirou subconsciously leaned towards the touch. "Thank you," she whispered.

"For what?"

"For everything."

"Can I say something, Kyouka?"

"Of course."

"I'm happy you're here with me."

Jirou could feel her heart beating against her chest.

"I am too, Yaomomo."

A subtle knock was heard from under them, but the sound seemed to fall under death ears.

Momo's hand moved over to Jirou's waist, rubbing circles into the small exposed flesh. Her actions were done with shaky hands but she paid no mind to it as Jirou had all of her attention. Jirou's left hand reached over to caress Momo's face lovingly.


"Shut up!"

The subtle knock from before was louder and more constant. As if on cue both girls turned away from eachother, leaving as much space humanly possible in between them both.

"Mina!" Kyouka said, clearly flustered. "What the hell?"

"Shut up!" Mina yelled. Her fist constantly punched the wood above her head, ignoring the pain that followed. "Shut up! I have an exam! I'm trying to sleep! Just shut up!"

"I'm sorry," Momo quietly said, stumbling over her rushed apology.

"I can hear everything Kyouka," Mina continued, hissing out her words, equally bitter and tired. "It's a fucking bunk bed, not another room. Had I known you two would flirt, I would've glaldy slept in the fucking hallway."

Kyouka's voice came out in an embarrassed mumble. "I thought you were asleep."

"Clearly, I wasn't!" Mina ranted. "Now goodnight! Go to sleep! I hate you both!"



"Let's make one thing clear," Jirou announced to the few people that were in the living room. "I would murder everyone in this room, except for Yaomomo, and then I'd murder myself."

"Well, I'm glad you appreciate us," Tsuyu sarcastically remarked. "I'm so happy there's no favoritism here."

A frown made its way to Momo's face, her eyes wide as she looked at Jirou innocently. "You'd leave me here all by myself?"

Jirou paniked her arms waving wildly as she tried to explain. She constantly stumbled over her words, unable to properly explain herself, until she cluelessly spoke the first words that made sense to her.

"I'd murder everyone but leave just you and me!"

Sero looked offended. "Oh, so that's your motive?"

Jirou made a point to ignore Sero, much to his dismay. "That way you won't be left all by yourself." Her eyes met Momo's gaze as she sucked in her lips out of a rush of nerves that settled in the pit of her stomach.

A gentle smile made its way up Momo's face. "Yeah," she said. "Yeah, that's okay."

Ochako wildly looked back and forth between Jirou and Momo. "Just so we're clear, this is all hypothetical, right? Right?!"



"Ever since then I realized I liked her with such special feelings." Jirou expressed wholeheartedly, a blissful expression on her face, as she stared all cliche-like up at the sky.

"Special feelings," Kirishima quietly repeated back to himself.

"You're such an idiot," Tsuyu stated as if it were fact.

"Why?" Jirou groaned. "You asked me how I felt about Yaomomo and when I do tell you, you act like this."

"Jirou, you're the reason why some people are homophobic."

"Bakugou, how?"

"It's not called special, it's called love. You don't need a dictionary to describe your stupid feelings," Bakugou explained, extremely tired of Jirou's bullshit. "It's not that special, a decent amount of humanity goes through it. Get over it."

Jirou sat there mouth agape. "Well, geez, way to be rude about it."


Clear As Day

"She said she liked me," Momo whispered, looking down at her lap out of embarrassment. "Does that mean Jirou likes me?"

"What?" Hagakure asks. She covers her mouth to muffle a wheeze. "Are you serious?"

Tsuyu paused to make sure Momo was being serious. Surely, there was no way she was that in denial. "I don't know, maybe she needs to be more obvious with it. Would you like me to tell her to spray paint it onto the wall?"

"Or maybe you need her to make out with you to get the message?" Mina added.

Ochako sighed. "What more do you need to hear from her?"

"I just want to make sure..." She failed to meet any of her friend's gaze.

"She said she likes you," Ochako replied. "I'm pretty sure that means she likes you!"

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