Angst Interconnected Oneshot

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"I'm not speaking on my own feelings," Todoroki sighed. His standpoint was unwavering as he glanced at Jirou. He bit his lip because of his nerves. "I just don't think this is the wisest idea."

"No, I think it'll go great," Jirou said, with light sarcasm in her tone as she forced a chuckle.

She faced her body towards Todoroki on the couch. "I could just go up to her and casually tell her I'm absolutely head over heels for her."

He shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable. "Can't you just pretend it's not there?" Todoroki suggested. He didn't want this. Deep down, he knew Jirou liked Momo, but never did he think one thing could set her off the rails.

Jirou rolled her eyes, glaring at Todoroki momentarily. "Okay, fine then, let's say I pretend."

"Let's say I pretend I feel nothing for her," Jirou continued on, her tone slightly rushed. "Let's pretend that in every moment of every day, I'm just so happy that you two are finally together." With each word that fell off her tongue, she spoke erratically, like she was on the bridge of a mental breakdown. Stretching out her words as she looked Todoroki in the eyes.

Her tone dropped, matching the same look she had in her eyes. "Let's pretend that she doesn't make my heart rate spike by just merely existing."

Todoroki felt his heart drop. He never meant to hurt Jirou like this. "Jirou, I'm-"

Jirou interrupted him. "No, you don't understand. It'll go great," Jirou said, forcing a chuckle. "Maybe then, I could tell her how beautiful I think she is."

"I could tell her that from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep the first thing I think of is her. I could tell her that I was dumb enough to picture a future where me and her are together." Her eyes didn't match her face as she forcefully smiled, speaking each word like it was venomous itself. "I could tell her that for the past few weeks, the only thing I can think about is how I don't understand."

"How I don't understand why it was never me. How I don't understand why you're the one to make her heart beat faster," her voice shook, as her facade was breaking. "Do you know how bad that made me hate my fucking quirk? I could just hear it every single time you walked by. It was torture." Her hands met Todoroki's collar, forcing him to look into her watery eyes.

"Jirou, I'm sorry. Please calm down." Todoroki pleaded. He couldn't look her in the eyes. It was too hard.

She didn't stop. She only continued to speak. "How I don't understand why you're the one to make her smile." Her words were like bullets directly targeting Todoroki. He knew it was aimed at him.

"How I don't understand why the guy who sits next to her means ten times more than her best friend ever will." Jirou's tone rose significantly. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she tightened her grip on Todoroki's collar. Her thoughts were rampant, feeling in her stomach the pain she felt. She was nothing to Momo compared to Todoroki. These feelings she had for her meant nothing.

Before Todoroki could even attempt to interrupt her, her facade broke entirely. The tears ran down her face, framing her jaw.

"It doesn't matter. You wanna know why? Because she chose you!" She screamed before it turned into a choked sob. Her grip loosened on Todoroki's collar before she finally let go. The intense wave of emotions took a lot out of her. She felt like a kettle that was brought to a boil, all the steam coming out all at once.

Todoroki never moved from his spot, as he could only dumbly stare at Jirou. His eyes filled with guilt. All he could do was stare at Jirou as she brought her knees to her chest and buried her face to muffle her cries.

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