Random Oneshot

380 17 8

The tea kettle was boiling on the stove as Kyouka hummed a familiar tune. She maneuvered to the cabinet, standing on her toes to reach for a mug. Just as she was about to grab the handle, her ear jacks picked up on a familiar presence.

"Making us tea?" Momo whispered, her hands laying gently on Kyouka's waist.

Kyouka smiled. She turned her head to look towards Momo, ignoring the open cabinet and opting to kiss the latter on the cheek. "I wanted to surprise you," she pouted. "You were supposed to stay in the living room."

"Well," Momo paused with a smile. "You seemed to be struggling with something." She easily grabbed the mug, setting it down in front of her girlfriend with a teasing smile.

Kyouka properly turned towards Momo, looking up at her with an annoyed look despite the smile that couldn't help peek through. "Why can't you just let me do something for you?"

"You already do enough for me," Momo genuinely expressed. She pushed Kyouka's body closer to hers by the waist. "Besides, I prefer being by your side."

"Someone will come downstairs," Kyouka noted, a deep blush spreading across her cheeks to the tip of her ears. "Are you sure you want to be this touchy with me?"

"It's early. No one is awake this early on the weekend," Momo murmurs. Her right hand gently tipped Kyouka's chin to look towards her as she leaned down. She kissed her lightly with a soft peck before trailing more kisses around her face. 

"What's up with you today?" Kyouka asked, her voice cracking due to her flush of embarrassment. "Usually you save this much affection for our rooms."

"I'm sorry. Is it weird?" Momo asked. She looked almost insecure as she failed to meet Kyouka's gaze.

"No," Kyouka insisted. "No, of course not. What's wrong?" Her hands moved to hold Momo's hands into her own. She squeezed her hands lightly, smiling as she finally saw Momo's eyes stare right back at her.

Timidly, she took a deep breath. "I feel almost silly about this. It's not that big of a deal, anyway."

"If it makes you feel bothered, that's all that matters," Kyouka whispered. "Talk to me, please. I want to be there for you."

Momo's walls started to crack as her composure broke. She stepped closer to the shorter of the two, if that were even possible, and hugged her. "I had a nightmare is all," Momo sighed. "It felt so real and it just bothered me. "

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kyouka asked, her voice unintentionally dropping to a whisper.

"No," she said. "Can we just stay like this for a little longer?"

"We can stay like this for as long as you'd like."

"And what if someone comes downstairs?"

"I'll be able to hear them. It's okay. Besides, I don't really care about that."

Momo smiled, burying her face into Kyouka's shoulder. She felt relieved that Kyouka couldn't see how much of a mess she probably looked right now, even if she knew Kyouka wouldn't mind it.



"Thank you."

"I'm just happy to help."

The whistle of the tea kettle was heard, smoke being visible coming from the kettle. Kyouka jumped at the sound before leaning her head back, unable to stifle the laugh that came out.

"Holy, I forgot about that." Kyouka said in between laughs. "I guess your tea will be rather hot today, Yaomomo."

"Kyouka! The tea!" Momo spoke, startled. She stepped away from the embrace, side stepping to turn off the stove. She was visibly startled the previous moment from before straying from her mind as she focused on the tea.

"Kyouka," Momo sighed. "Please don't forget next time."

"Wait, you're the one who distracted me!" Kyouka said as a rebuttal.

"You're the one who made the tea." Momo scolded, with a lace of teasing evident to them both. She let the tea cool down for a few minutes as she turned to talk to Kyouka. "The one who made the tea is most responsible."

"No," Kyouka argued. "It's on you, because I wouldn't have gotten distracted if it weren't for you."

She enjoyed the morning bickering that rarely happened between the two nowadays. The conversation seemed to alleviate any previous emotions that made her feel weak. The sense of comfort and warmth that encapsulated the everyday life of a hero student was always welcomed. It was a mutual feeling between the two that their preferred sense of normalcy was with the other by their side.

"Actually," Momo started. She paused to think of a response before seeming to fall flat, much to Kyouka's avail.

"Yes," Kyouka laughed. She stepped closer towards Momo, looking up at her with a teasing smile. "Cat got your tongue?"

Momo pouted at Kyouka's comment. The expression itself was one rarely anyone else, but her saw.

"We're now studying with Kaminari and Ashido later." Momo decided, a smirk playing at her lips at Kyouka's facial expression.

"Wait." Kyouka followed Momo as she carried the tea kettle with an oven mit to the dining table. "You said it would just be the two of us tonight."

"Did I?" she questioned with an infectious smile. "I don't seem to recall."

"You're the one who couldn't stop kissing me earlier," Kyouka murmured.

Momo's cheeks turned red, causing her to fumble with the mug as she tried to drizzle the liquid into the cup.

"Babe, you're going to burn yourself. Careful," Kyouka cautioned.

Momo bit her lip at the pet name. "You're doing this on purpose."

"You started it."

"You're the one who-"

A silent cough seemed to interrupt the two, and the couple stiffened. Kyouka was surprised she hadn't heard any footsteps, and looked up at who was standing awkwardly in front of the entrance to the kitchen.

"Sorry Todoroki," Kyouka anxiously chuckled. "We got distracted."

"That isn't anything new with you two," Todoroki blankly stated. "I just wanted to get a drink."

Momo nervously smiled. "Would you like a cup of tea, Todoroki?"

He looked down at the tea kettle, his eyes widening before he touched the scar around his eye and walked out of the room. A single word wasn't exchanged, and the couple were once again alone.

Drabbles and Oneshots [MomoJirou]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें