Anger Rises Within

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Between you and me your the better Assassin..

"Okay.. Hearing You talk like that just pisses me off even more you know what you're Problem is Nagisa you got no respect for how hard this is for everyone who isn't you."
To tell you the truth.. I was Already Pissed off By what happened this Morning.. you see My Dad Just got back From his "Vacation" and Comes to tell me He's leaving again and that He wants me to Come with him like what kind of Bullshit is that!? Then He's gonna Marry This Woman I don't even Know!? He Should've talked to me about it before getting engaged with a Woman from like England I don't even know anymore I'm just so pissed off I tried To Calm myself through out the day but Nagisa had to Open his Mouth About Saving Koro-Sensei Were Here To kill To be Trained Assassins and on top of all No Strawberry Milk was in the vending Machine So that just made me even more pissed So here we fucking are in this situation.

"Woah woah! Where is this Coming from?! I'm just telling You how I feel!
Do you have an Axe to grind with Koro-Sensei or something? He took us to the Movies He's made Learning Fun!"

"That's My Point! Why do you think he Bothered huh?.. he didn't want us to end up like some whiney half-assed jerks and look at YOU!
Asassanating him is what this entire class is based on your just trying to find a loop hole!"
"You want to Undermind what Koro-Sensei's done? or do you have the mind and the body of a ten year old?.."

Nagisa Looked Down then look up at me with a certain type of look that Fucking angered the shit out of me...
"Ah?... What's with that look?
awe.. The itty-bitty Mouse wanna roar?~ Feel like he can
take on a lion?.."

"No I.."

'I Decided To push him to his limit by teasing him He Already Pissed me off Wanting my head to explode what Possibly can he even do,
I Push Him back with my hand
"Got something to say? Kick my ass for once and you can say whatever you like. Oh.. Don't be shy.. what are you afraid of?" I Push him back again
"Let's settle this like men" I keep pushing him back Going passed his Limit to break "Come on, Heh.." I grab ahold of His Tie Bringing him closer He Quickly Traps Me By putting me In a Triangle Hold Taking Me By Surprise.

I Instantly Get down everyone else Surprised of what Nagisa did I'm Instantly Filled up with Anger Rushing Through my bones every ounce of my veins it slowly rising and Seeping through my skin Make me Tremble with Anger.
"I am Not.. A whiney Half-assed Jerk!!"
I start Lifting Him up with all the strength I have about to punch the crap out of him.

"You Little.." I Go in to Punch him But I am Soon getting Hold down by 2 People Trying to Hold me Back From Attacking Nagisa They Barely have the strength to hold me back.
(I'm Gonna Change it up)
I'm Finally Able To use my Strength to push them off me so I can attack Nagisa without any Distractions and Anyone trying to Hold me Back I run towards where Nagisa Is Infront of Me And Then Darkness Appears Swarming consuming my Vision making me fall into a deep Slumber.

Koro-Sensei's Pov:
Is everyone alright?.. Sorry I'm a little late And Don't worry He's just Asleep I'll have a Little Chat with him when He wakes up Other than that Nagisa Are you alright? No Injuries?.. "I'm Okay Koro-Sensei" That's Good To hear well Class lets Get back To the classroom.

3rd Pov:
As 3-E Class walks back up to the classroom Building and they sit at there desks and disgust what happened recently just now They Haven't seen Karma This Angry before Most of them are afraid some of them are just Concerned For Nagisa He only did just want to help and tell everyone how he felt and what they should do but with Karma's Outburst Most of half of the class can agree with Karma's Understandment.

Karma's pov:
I wake up from a deep Sleep my eyes squinting at the light shining in my eyes from the ceiling I look around to see where I might be And Realize I'm in a small room seeming to be a nurse office but not quite just a bed and two chairs and medic supplies. I sit up and swing both my legs to the side and wobbly stand up I have a huge Headache pounding in my head ugh.. I can barely remember what happened Only This Morning and.. that's about it.. "Ah I see your awake"
I look up and see Koro-Sensei i didn't even realized he was here or maybe He just walked in without me knowing I try to walk passed him and leave but he grabs my arm "Now just a Minute karma we need to have a talk about what happened today" wait.. what happened.. oh that's right now I remember I tried attacking Nagisa ugh I'm such an idiot for letting my anger get the best of me.
I sit back down on the bed
"What is there to talk about I was just angry that's all.."

"I can Understand that Karma But there was No need To Try attacking your Classmate you could've Injured Nagisa" He said Standing in front of me "But I didn't.. I was Already Angry enough.." I say looking down "About what Karma?.. if you don't mind me asking"

"My dad.. just got back from His Trip and Says He's marrying This Woman From England and I don't even know her!.. I'm just.. Not ready for someone new to come into my life.. he's leaving again.. and wants me to go with him and.. possibly Stay over there with him.. But I like it here I would usually never want to come here but it's different.. I met People who Understand me and don't run off.. I tried to explain it to my dad but he.. just.. Slapped me and said I'd have to go weather I like it or not.. so I don't have a choice and that's why I was all worked up, angry and stressed I lashed out and tried attack Nagisa taking all my anger out on him By accident.."

I look up at Koro-Sensei with teary eyes Usually I never open up to anyone but I trust him..

"I'll have a talk with him don't worry.. it is your choice He should have talked about it with you but Your dad has moved on while you have not it may take time getting to know someone before trusting me isn't that right?"

"Mmhm.. Yeah.. I guess your right I'm used to being here so much just being in a environment is to much.."

"yes it can be but you have to give it a chance once.. in your life, You gave me a chance.. you trust me and plus if things don't go the right way and she's Not the way you think she is Then you can always give me a call, but... for now I'll go have a chat with him and see if he changes his mind and so on we'll see what happens You are not going to be leaving here.. I'll make sure you stay.. That's a promise"

"Thanks Koro-Sensei.."

"you're welcome I'm always here to welcome to any student of mine to aid now you need to apologize to Nagisa"

The End (words-1304)

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