Chapter 18

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Fantasy AU

Asano is a Prince while Karma is simply an Assassin yk you get the picture. I hope you like this one and maybe I'll make another Fantasy one. Enjoy!

Karma's Pov:
I run through the forest pass the dark oak wood trees.
I jump across the river flowing down a cliff. I hear noises coming from down the cliff and run to the edge to see what's happening. I smile to myself seeing a carriage stopped in the middle of the dirt road and a tree that was knocked over onto it blocking them from continuing on their journey.

I put my hood over my head and jump down onto a tree hanging off one of its branches and then letting go bending my knees as I land. I quickly run towards the carriage Hiding behind trees and bushes as to not get caught. I lean from behind a tree to see all the commotion. "two guards upfront.." probably figuring out how to Move the tree and one gaurd guarding the carriage. I continue on. "Must be important." I mumble to myself.  I pick up a rock and aim it towards The other side of the road and throw it into a bush making A rabbit Run out.
The guy guarding The carriage goes over to the bush aware of his surroundings and goes to inspect. I quickly run to the carriage. I jump above onto of it carefully and Open a small window door from the top and hang upside down.

I see a woman About my age sitting down on one end of the carriage. "Oh good day my lady" I say as she looks at me with wide eyes about to scream. I quickly jump down into the carriage and Cover her mouth. I grin at her and put a finger up to my lips.
"Hush now.. lets not make a fuss we don't want to Alarm the unpleasant People outside with a smile on their faces do we?" I say with a eyes closed smile. "must be important Gaurding someone like you." I quickly Take off the necklace around her neck. "My.. aren't I lucky? A Jade gold Necklace? What else would you might have... hm?" I take a look at her  left hand and see a engagement ring. "beautiful.. I must say too bad I won't Make it to the wedding. Not a big fan of Parties." I slip off the ring and put it away along with the Necklace.

I hear footsteps from outside. "Well I best be going." I take my  hand off her mouth and quickly open the door. As I open the carriage door she screams and the same gaurd quickly opens the other door.
"m'lady what's the matter?- YOU!" The Guy exclaims as he sees me run out the door. "Uh oh That's not a happy face" I run out and bump into someone. "Good day sir" I duck down to the ground as the gaurd swings his sword at me.

I roll backwards on the ground standing back up and jumping over the Tree that was knocked over onto the dirt road. "Sorry guys I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta run." I start running away down the dirt road.

1 hour and 35 minutes later

I walk around The small Village and go up to one of the stalls Noticing someone Familiar. "Isogai is that you?" I lean against the makeshift stall made out of wood. "hah it sure is welcome back" He says smilling at me and pushing a bag infront of me. "still on the run Karma?" He asks me leaning infront of me holding himself up with one arm.

I open and look through the bag seeing a loaf of fresh made bread and an apple. "always"
I say smiling and close up the bag and take it with me. "Nagisa Around?" I ask him. "Hm? Oh yeah last I saw him near Witches brew." I hear him say as I turn around and walk away.  "Oh and Say hi to Okuda!" I wave him off and turn a corner biting into my apple From the bag Isogai gave me. "Look out!" Someone shouts. I look up ahead to see Rio and Terasaka riding on Horses coming Straight for me.
"Out of the way!!" Someone else shouts. I see people moving out of the way onto the side lines. They both Quickly Pass by me. "Hey karma!!" Rio calls out her voice fading away.
"Move your ass Karma!" Terasaka Yells out fading away into the distance. I laugh shaking my head. 'weirdos' I thought in my head and Walk towards Witches Brew. I throw away my apple behind me and walk right inside. a strong scent hits me almost making me nauseous.

"Wow.. that smell is.." I get cut off "Intoxicating?" Kaede Says coming out from behind a counter. "Haha Yeah Exactly. Giving me a Headache.." I say leaning against a shelf full of essence. "So you still?.." She trails off and I finish her sentence for her.
"A Narcissistic asshole? some people would say" I chuckle. "Absolutely."

"I was gonna say Stealing and running but of course You are. You never changed one bit." Kaede says smiling. "Anyways Is Nagisa here." I ask looking around. "He left a few minutes before you came here." A new familiar Voice says. "Hey Okuda" I say waving to her. "hey.. Karma." She says shyly looking down at her feet.
"No need to put on that act no more Okuda. Remember we're just friends Don't worry I ain't mad." I hand her the bag of bread I haven't touched. "Here Take care of yourself will ya?"
I say turning around. "I'll be off now See ya later Kaede." I walk out the door not after hearing The goodbyes from my two friends.

A few minutes pass.

I walk around the small houses and Stores taking glances from here and there.
I stop by a store and look through the small Dusted Window seeing fruit on Small Plates. "Oo.. Strawberries..." As I was about To go inside I hear a Commotion coming from behind me. 'Ugh Please Be important as to what is interrupting me.' I think to myself. I turn around and go to the Crowd of people.
I see a Familiar bluenette Barely hard to Miss when it's all blue and in one ponytail.
I pass through the crowd of villagers and stand beside the Bluenette. "Hey Nagisa Still wearing this old Straw hat?" I say pushing down the front of the hat so it covers his eyes.
"Karmaaa.. Really?" He says Pushing back up his hat.

I Snicker to myself
"Sorry I Couldn't resist
Anyways what's going on."
I say crossing my arms and staring at the scene infront of us. "Well.. same as Usual.." He sighs. "Ah.. These two fighting over something unimportant?"
I say talking about the two grown men Fighting over something. I turn around and walk away from the Scene with Nagisa following me close behind. "Hey wait up!" Nagisa calls after me walking beside me.

"So Nagisa what happened? I know I've been gone for Two Weeks but it seems like I've been gone for more than a Month." I say walking by someone and stealing a small bag of money from them. Nagisa glares at me and
shakes his head.
"Well news is that the king and his son are coming down here tonight at 7:00." Nagisa says as we both stop and look at a stand selling Cheap handmade Jewelry. I lift my head up facing Nagisa. "Wait.. Asano is back?" I say surprised.

"yeah Prince Asano came back from Traveling two weeks ago." He says smiling and walking away. "Hey! I was gone for those two weeks!" I say catching up to him. "Well I guess you're lucky cause you get to see him again." I scoff and roll my eyes. "He is a liar and he is not a prince he is a selfish Jackass."

We both start walking up the dirt road up a hill to a 2 story house and a small Barn. "what did he do to you?" Nagisa says beside me. "He left me in a Cold dark cell!" I exclaim being a big dramatic. "That's why you don't intervene with the Gaurds when they come by at Dawn(Morning). Nagisa says as we reach up to his house Opening his door and walking inside. "They were gonna force kids who were 14 to be slaves and to get Married! I couldn't stand and watch!" I yell out stopping infront of his door. He turns around and sighs. "Karma there is nothing we can do.. I'm sorry and I really don't want you to Killed for doing something reckless.. so just be carful okay? it was nice talking to you." He says closing the door. I sigh Frustrated.

(I'll make part 2)

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