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'Today The whole E Class Are going Swimming today down a path to our very own Pool we have Although There is one problem.. I can't Swim I always Hated water I never wanted to get near it I mean taking showers doesn't count Just Large Body's Of water.. Is too Much for me.'

'No one really knows I can't swim Cause They never Ask They just assume Every
person can swim I suppose..
I don't know.'

'You would think the Troublemaker Karma Akabane knew how to swim Just cause Of how Confident I must seem
No Of course not... It's just No one Taught Me How to swim My parents we're never around and I'm the only child so I was always by myself in my house having to care of everything on my own with no help and no shoulder to cry on when I needed it.'

I lean against a nearby tree Watching everyone else jump in the pool while Koro-Sensei yells at everyone about some safety rules.

"Hey Karma What are you doing standing over there come join us!" Nagisa Calls over to me.

"Maybe Later!" I call out back to him. "But we don't have all day Just jump in, the water feels great" Nagisa says.

"I'm okay Thank you though"
I say as I sit down against the tree I was leaning on.

15 Minutes Has Passed and Some of e class Are Playing Volleyball In the water until Rio Hits The ball over on the side By accident. "Hey Karma can You pass that over to us?"
I stand up and walk over Passed A few Trees and pick up the volleyball and Walk back towards them and toss them the ball back "Here you go".

After I had Gave them Their Ball Back I hadn't Realized That Someone Had Pushed me Making me lose my balance And fall into the water. I Try Getting back up to the surface But having To little Practice Of swimming I struggle and Begin getting weaker and tired.

I accidentally inhale the water making me cough and inhale some more. My vision Starts Getting Blurry and Darkness Clouds my Vision as I sink lower down Into the Abyss of water to the bottom of solid rock.

Nagisa's Pov:

Karma Passes us back the ball that Rio Had Accidentally Tossed Over Onto the surface of the ground  "Here you go" Karma says. I see Terasaka Get up out of the water Sneakily going up behind Karma and pushing him into the water.

Karma screams and Falls into the water. "Terasaka! Why would you do that?" I yell At him "What? He needs To Loosen a Bit Plus you gotta admit it was pretty Funny"
Terasaka Says Laughing at how He made Karma fall into the water.

"It was Pretty Hilarious you gotta admit Nagisa the Expression on his face when he fell in" Rio says Also Laughing.

"It was Funny But Why Isn't He Coming back Up?" Kaede exclaims As She Grows with concern and confusion That Karma isn't Coming Up back to the surface.

"He's Probably Just Playing Around like he always Does With those Tricks and Pranks of his Although I think Karma should know better Not to joke around About Fake drowning" Sugino Says.

"I'm going after Him he's been down there way more than 5 minutes" I dive down Underwater holding my breath swimming after Karma I open my eyes looking around for him I see a glimpse of red hair I quickly swim to him and put my arms up under his arms and pull him up to the surface.

I gasp out as soon as I get my head above water and I also Lift Karma's Head above water.
Everyone around me Gasps As soon as they see Karma Unconscious.

"Koro-Sensei! Help Karma's Unconscious!" I swim up and everyone else gets up out of the water and help me get karma Up to the surface.

"Oh Dear What Happened?" Koro-Sensei Comes over to the scene to see what Has Happened"

"Terasaka Pushed karma into the water and He drowned! We didn't know He couldn't Swim"
someone exclaims in worry

Everyone Looks at Terasaka with anger and with an Expression of 'Seriously?' On their faces "What? I didn't know He couldn't Swim If I did I wouldn't have done it Yeesh.. Don't get mad at me".

"Alright Kids Calm down we need to focus Here.. Now Nagisa I'm gonna need you to do Cpr Alright?." I Nod My head and listen to Koro-Sensei
"Kids Take this As a Lesson just in case next time this Happens"
Everyone nods and Pays Attention.

"Now Nagisa I want you to Check If He's Breathing if he isn't I want you to Put your hands Over eachother on his chest and start Compressions
Three times then Hold His nose and breath into his Mouth and then repeat.

I do As I'm Told I check if He's breathing which He isn't then I Put my hands Over eachother on his chest and Count "one.. Two.. Three" and go over and hold his nose and breath into his mouth and repeat.

I do it a Third time and He starts to wake up coughing up water, he sits up "Karma!
Your okay!" I call out Relieved.

Karma looks around at everyone "Agh.. w-wh-at h-happened..?" Karma asks with a raspy voice
"Terasaka Pushed you in the water, Karma Why didn't you tell us you couldn't swim"

"You.. Weren't supposed to find out.. It's personal.." He says As he stands up.
"Take it easy karma let's go get you dried up and back inside alright?" Koro-Sensei Says Handing him a towel.

"Whatever you say.."
Karma Grabs the towel Drying Himself Walking down a path back to the old building.

30 minutes later

Karma's Pov:

I'm seated at my desk, everything watching me waiting for me to say something "ugh.. What? So What if I can't swim?"
I say rolling my eyes
"it's fine if you can't it's just surprising that You Can't swim Karma" Nagisa says
"Curious.. How come You can't Swim? Have you Never learned, your parents never taught you?" Rio Says to me Causing some other students to nod in agreement of what she said.

I sigh "My Parents.. we're never around to teach me I was always alone they're usually always on a business trip they never answered my calls.. If they did it was usually 'Sorry I am Busy right now' Then they immediately would hang up on me and probably go about there day, they never stop by and say hi Not even On my birthday never sent a Post card anything A letter Nothing..  I've Learned To grown Up alone I try to stay away from things that seem Dangerous like water.. I tried learning how to swim on my own and it didn't work out so I tried staying clear from water at all Cost.." I Finish speaking and I stand up. "Well I better get going see you guys Tomorrow"
"Wait Karma!-"

The End I'm Too Tired to keep going and School for me is getting worse anyways have a great lovely Day or night:)

 Asano x Karma OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora