chapter 19 Part 2 of 18

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Asano's Pov:
I look outside the small window from the carriage. "Father.. why have you decided to go back now?" I ask turning to face him. "Are you saying you don't miss everyone back home?.. I say that's quite Rude don't you think?"

I look at him Shocked "What? No I-" I stop mid sentence to see him smirking and I turn away Frustrated "You did that on purpose" I mumbled. "It's quite fun and interesting to see you angry Gakushu" The king and also my father says to me (I can't remember if it's 2 U's or one) "Tsk.. whatever.." I mumble once again. "We're simply going back because some things happened while we were away for some time" He says with that stern voice of his like he's in a meeting with other Royalty members.
"okay.." I say not knowing where this is going still looking away. "Some traitors among our people most likely Gaurds Are taking children away.. between 13 and 16" (I know in the 1st it said 14 But it's in between..So..) I hold my breath for sec and let it out and sigh "Alright.. I thought you didn't care for anyone else but yourself" I say looking at him.
"yes.. well it's the village and Your red headed boyfriend lives in and his birthday is coming up is it not?" He says looking at me staring with his cold dark eyes. I have a look of shock on my face. I quickly shake my head and take a deep breath. "Yes.. he's turning 16.." I say not realizing. He chuckles and says "You didn't deny he wasn't your boyfriend.." "yeah.. well you weren't against it either.."
I say grinning. "You got me there.. I don't mind At all Just don't get carried away I am the main reason Karma is alive after all." He says changing seating positions crossing one leg over the other.

"What? that isn't true at all!" I yell out shocked at what he had said. "I'm sorry have I ever recall you Paying for his house and his needs?" He says dropping his smile. "Well no.. but I'm the one who found him" "Yes.. You did which is a good thing.. and I'm proud of you for that" I look at him looking for a possibility he's lying, but unable to find one.
"A shame his parents we're gone by the time we got there.." My father says sighing frustrated. "Yeah.. I suppose.."

"did you know them or something?" I ask. he chuckled again. "Of course I did.. They were famous people The Akabane Family was always one step behind and ahead of us at the same time." "You aren't serious are you? that doesn't even make sense" I ask surprised. "Makes perfect sense, Anyways of course I'm serious until they got Assassinated so now it's just Karma and I'm assuming you wouldn't want him sold off to Some old Barbarian on the road would you?" He says with a grin. "Of course not!" I shout leaning forward from my seat and then quickly composing myself.

"Haha your face is priceless.."
he chuckles. "This isn't funny!" I yell out embarrassed. "Your majesty we have arrived" A voice called out. "thank you" My father says and pulls out a old stop watch "Exactly 7:00 O'clock.. right on time" He smiles at me and I look away and wait till they open the door of the carriage.

Karma Pov:
I walk around the town seeing all the lanterns and banners out. I scoff shaking my head
and smile lightly "Shuu will be here.." I mutter to myself

"Hey Karma!" I turn myself around facing to the person the voice belonged to. "Yeah?" I see
Okuda running to me tripping on the way. "You alright?" I ask
"Yes I'm okay thank you" She says standing back up. "So what do you need?" I ask looking at her "Well I just wanted to see how you're doing so far.. you know? with Prince Asano coming back after he's been gone.." She says Acting a bit Awkward? "Uh okay?..Well I'm okay with it I don't mind seeing him" Her face changes to a surprised look. "Wait.. you're serious?"
"Mmhm.." I nod my head. "you don't mind at all?" "Nope" I say with a now bored expression.
"So you like him then?"

"What! No!" I yell "Just because I Don't mind him here doesn't mean I like him!!" I shout. "..." She stays silent walking away and then running. "What the hell.." I mutter under my breath. "So you don't like me?" A Familiar voice says into my ear behind me. I jump turning around "What the Hell is wrong with you!" I yell at him and everyone around me just stares at me Shocked. "Oh.. It's just you" I turn back around with a bored expression. "Hey! don't turn around!" he yells and I turn around again facing him.

"Why not? I don't wanna see your dumb face" I stick out my tongue blowing a raspberry at him. "Disgusting.. anyways.. what was that about you not liking me?" he says with smug look on his face. "You should know I just said that so she could leave me alone right?" I cross my arms "Right.. so how have you been holding up?" He asks and I just walk away "Fine.." I mumble and he follows right behind me "Hm.. okay I know you better than anyone Karma what's the matter?" He asks and I stop walking and I pay for a drink and keep walking.

He ends up walking beside me and we continue to walk in silence. "Karma don't ignore me" I sigh and pull him in-between two small houses.
"Fine.. ugh.. why did you leave?" I say and look up to see his face and see him trying not to laugh. "Hey don't laugh! you wanted to know.." I yell and mumble the last part. "That's what's bothering you? me leaving?" He says walking infront of me. "Yes.." "I didn't know it bothered you that much Karma.." I crush the glass into my hand clenching the same fist in frustration.
"Of course it did! you didn't say where you were going you idiot! I didn't know when you were gonna come back" I grab ahold of the collar of his shirt smearing blood on it" you're the one family I have you know!" I yell out in his face
and he sighs and puts of his arms around me. he takes ahold of my hand thats slightly bleeding and cleans it with the cuff of his sleeve and then gently kisses it.

"I'm sorry.." He looks up at me and we both look at each other in the eyes.. "forgive me.." He says and plants a small kiss on my cheek "you hurt yourself because of me.." he says backing away a little
I stare at him a bit shocked
and flustered. "now come on.. Lets join everyone else alright?.. Smile for me" He takes my hand and we both walk back into the light of the village out of in-between the houses. "I love it when you smile.." I lightly smile as he drags me out into the crowd of people.

(And I'll end it here I hope you loved it and Maybe.. Just maybe I will make a book about something like this:)

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