~Tips for Back Flexibilty~

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Hey Guys! Emmy here!

This post is all about, you guessed it, back flexibility!

• Start a stretching routine. Stretch once, or if you can, twice a day, and focus on your back.

• Do stretches such as; cobra, lay on your stomach and lift your chest of the ground with your arms, Childs pose, from cobra, go onto your knees and sit on your heels, lean forward and touch the ground, arch your back towards the sky.

• Go into a bridge and straighten your arms and legs. You can also rock back and forth in a bridge.

• Make sure you warm up to prevent injury. Do jumping jacks, run on the spot, etc.

• make sure you rock and roll on your back after, to stretch the muscles back the other way, this also prevents injury.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment any ideas, advice or questions you have.

Xx Emmy xX


QOTD: What is your favourite acro trick?

AOTD: Front aerials, ya'll! (I can't do them though😂

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