~Back Flexibility • Part 2~

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Hey guys, Emmy here!

I think it has been established long ago that Sophia has an extremely flexible back. And I want a back that flexible. And you do too, probably. So I have created another chapter with more stretches to make your back more flexible.

• As was said in the other chapter on back flexibility, make sure you warm up before attempting any stretches to prevent injury.
• Do these stretches once or twice a day, along with the other back stretches and your daily stretching routine.

• Stand near a wall and start to do a backbend, using your hands to walk yourself down the wall as far as you can go, or until your hands are on the floor. Then try to walk your hands as close as you can to your feet, or vice versa (feet to hands, hands to feet, whichever is more comfortable for you.).

• Do a bridge and walk your hands and feet in as close as you can and lower onto your elbows. try to arch your back as much as you can.

I know these aren't a lot of extra back stretches, but I couldn't find anymore that actually help a lot.

Remember to leave any requests, tips or questions in the comments!


QOTC: Is your back Sophia Lucia flexible?

AOTC: Yeah.....no, not even close.

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