Chapter 6

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It worked! Her plan worked! Now she could go back to Rose and have her real life. "Oh my gosh! It's so late I have to go!" she hoped that was a good enough excuse and flew out back to the tavern. Where a delighted looking- Rose was perched. "I saw everything! That went perfectly and better than expected!" Sunny let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. As she did, she turned back into Willow. Now all we have to do is put you to sleep until your parents elope, then you will be reborn into Firefly. "Okay..." she responded hesitantly. "Ready" Willow nodded. Time for rebirth.


OMG guys i'm SUPER SORRY for the short chapter i will make it up to you. I promise but for the time being, MORE FLUFF ON THE WAY!!

                    Thank You,


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