Quickstrike's Return Part 5

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"Glory, I want to quit my job." She turned her head around, fast as lightning, panic, in her expression. Then her face softened. She started laughing. Though it was weird he called her Glory instead of some weird nickname. It made her feel not special. "What's so funny?" She continued laughing.

"You almost had me there, Deathy."

"I'm not joking." Her laughter still remained as she spoke,

"Alright, I'll play along, why do you want to quit?"

"Because I'm in love" Surprisingly, he didn't smirk at her. Now that she thought about it, he didn't smirk at all in the past few days.

"With?" She had expected him to say something stupid like You. Or like, The most beautiful queen in Pyrriah. Even though she knew he was joking, she wished it were true. What he had actually, said turned her world upside down.

"Shadowseeker." She immediately turned blue and surprised herself by not even trying to hide it.

"S-shadowseeker?" He nodded. "As in the first NightWing that tried to kill me?" He nodded again. "As in the dragon you swore to kill if you saw again."

"Hey, dragons can change their minds."

"Yes but-"

"But what? Are you going to make me stay here and guard you against my own will?" She sighed Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. Just go to whoever makes you feel better after an incident. Then her heart sank again realizing Deathbringer was her only moral support. I would probably go insane without him. How am I going to survive? If I really love Deathbringer, I should do what makes him happy. Man, how did I turn into this sap?

"N-no." She haunched up her shoulders and straightened her back, trying to look confident. "It was my law in the first place. Nobody, even the Queen, is permitted to oppress a dragon against their own will to undertake something for selfish reasons. You are free to quit. Good luck with...your life." That felt weird to say.

"Goodbye, Glory."

"Goodbye Deathbringer, See you..."

"Never" he cut off.

"We are going home with Quickstrike."


Please don't slit my throat in the night guys. :(

            Trying my best to survive the night,


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