Winter's POV

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Winter looked down at Firefly. He was surprised when he realized how he felt about her. He could find that feeling in the way he used to look at Moon. 

The way Qibli still looks at Moon. 

Whoa. Where'd that come from?

But what he felt towards, Firefly was stronger. Stronger than Darkstalker. Heavier than the three-moons combined.

She wasn't just any RainWing. She was special. He could tell. She could stand up for herself and others. She always had witty comebacks and she had that royal aura Winter lacked. He wondered how. How does she hold herself like that? She's not a royal. Is she? 

As they landed, Winter looked around wary of NightWings. He was too busy looking around, he didn't notice Deathbringer right in front of him. With a Thump, he was sat on. Again. Why did this only happen to him!? 

"Get off him! You know he's not dangerous. We all know what happened last time." A familiar voice shouted at Deathbringer. Firefly. 

"I know Fire, but it's just so fun watching him get frustrated!"

"Deathbringer please" He looked mad. 

"What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?" Moon shook her head vigorously at Deathbringer, mouthing something. She pointed to him, Then Winter, and shook her head again. Deathbringer seemed to understand and said, "You called me Deathbringer. What in the three moons happened to, super awesome best ex-assassin/bodyguard in Pyrriah?" 

Wait. He called her Fire. Are they close? What's with the nickname? He felt a pang of jealousy, then called himself an idiot. He's old enough to be her father. Then a thought struck him. Was her father a NightWing? She had told him her father was an assassin which meant he couldn't be a RainWing. He shook off his thoughts. Thinking was Qibli's thing maybe he figured something out. "Hey.. wait is that a scavenger?" Firefly noticed Winter whipped his head around as fast as he could considering Deathbringer was on top of him. 

"Where I don't see anythi-" Just then Deathbringer screeched and leapt 3 feet in the air and off Winter. 

"GLOORYYYY!!! SCAVENGER!!!" and then realized his mistake. "I MEAN QUEEN GLORY!" then turned to Firefly. "There wasn't really a scavenger at all was there?" She shook her head trying to contain her giggles but failed miserably. Whereas, Qibli was rolling on the floor, laughing his head off.

"aww is the big bad assassin afraid of tiny-weeny little scavengers?" Queen Glory baby-mocked him. 

"Yes!" he and Firefly said simultaneously. Then Glory laughed.

"Lightning bug, What are you doing here?"

"For the royal meeting mo-I mean Majesty." Firefly said quickly. Too quickly. He shook off his suspicions. 

"Lighting bug?" Winter asked aloud. Firefly's ruff turned pink with embarrassment but she quickly toned it down. Then he realized Deathbringer flinched at the word, "Lighting." He wondered why. 

"It's just a nickname, anyway, You guys can stay in Firefly's room. Unless Moon and Kink want to go to their own homes." They shook their heads. "Okay. Firefly, mind leading them up?" She nodded and they walked into the palace. "I'll give you guys a tour first though!" They flew up the stairway and followed Firefly to what looked like the kitchens but no one was working there. "This is our kitchen. We have no servants because everyone helps around here! No one can get away with their duty to help and everyone has to help in some way. Except me. and this kitchen if for all of the dragons and pets. That's why it's open to the forest!" Winter noticed some toucans and sloths eating fruit in a corner.  

"Why except you?" Winter questioned.

"Uhmmm because she is considered A princess to the queen" Moon answered for her. 

"Well, I'll show you the rest tomorrow after we sleep. Kink, do you mind showing them my room? Moon, can you come with me? I have to talk with Queen Glory and Deathbringer." Moon nodded and they headed back down. Kinkajou raced up the second flight of stairs and bumped into a dragonet. "Oh Quickstrike hi!"  "Winter Qibli, Turtle, This is Quickstrike, Firefly's sister"

"Really? She resembles more of a NightWing" Winter mused.  Kinkajou looked panic-stricken. 

"Nope.No.notatall.seeicanlooklikeanightwingtoonothing'swrong" she said way too fast, chuckling nervously, turning her scales black. Once she turned them back she led them to a beautiful room with vines,bleeding hearts, a few roses and a small lagoon with sapphires and emeralds surrounding it. Small fish and water lilies filled it. It looked like more of a princess's room than an advisor's. 

"I'm going to go find Firefly."  he excused himself.

"oh okay" was all Kinkajou said because she was too sleepy to muster excitement. He walked down the stairs and caught her and Moon talking to Glory and Deathbringer. The resemblance was striking. Firefly was the spitting image of Glory with Deathbringer's smirk. No. it couldn't be. Would a queen do something as undignified as to have a dragonet with her bodyguard? But then again he was one to talk about undignified. He fell in love with a NightWing, got rejected then fell in love with a RainWing! Well a RainWing-NightWing hybrid if his theory was true. Then Glory and Deathbringer walked away and just as Firefly and Moon were too Winter blocked their path. 

"Oh hi Winter" Firefly said. His name in her voice made his heart flutter. Focus Winter! 

"What have you been hiding?" He grabbed one of her wrists. 

"Winter please let go of me" she asked he refused "Winter. let. go" when he didn't she gave him one last warning, "get your honking talon off me if you want to keep it. This is no way to treat a princess." Knowing what she was capable of, he let go. then it sank in. She admitted it. She WAS a princess. the daughter of the most powerful queen alive in Pyrriah according to the scrolls. She was royalty. She was Glory's daughter. Her father was an assassin. It all made sense now. How Moon and Kinkajou knew. She was part NightWing. Why Deathbringer got angry when she called him his first name. Why she wanted to talk to her parents. To apologize, he assumed. Why she attended the queen meetings.

"Anything else you want to share?"

"In fact yes two things. one, I can read minds. two, I can rip of your wings, dismember you, and murder you some more. Also my parents are the most powerful dragons in Pyrriah let's experiment shall we?"

"Fine. sorry. WAIT YOU'RE A MIND READER!?"

"Yes I am have anything you'd like to share? Oh wait! We can just read it off your mind!"

"She doesn't use it often and it's not very strong even though Skyfire doesn't affect it." Moon explained.


"Easy. I won't read them. Just don't get on my bad side, igloo face." As she left, Moon whispered, 

"She was going to tell you once we came up. She trusted you a lot. You better patch that leak or your ship will sink." In his ear and followed Firefly.

"You've got a thing for my daughter huh?" Winter turned around to face Queen Glory. 

"She hates me"

"That's just how she shows affection, by insulting and threats."


"Really," she reassured him. "Now run off to bed now we'll talk in the morning." 


Word count:


More suspense on the way!

           Thank you,


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