Chapter 16

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"So.. how come you eat meat?" Winter asked conversationally

"How come you have wings?" She countered.

"Because I'm a dragon?" He replied confused.

"Exactly. Do I look like a sloth to you?"

"No.." he chuckled, amused. "You don't act like a RainWing, but you remind me of someone I know..."

"Queen Glory? Yeah, I get that a lot." He only nodded in response. "Not vegetarian, Hides her emotions, Sarcasm, plus you're the spitting image. That pretty much checks out." She laughed.

"I did not expect an IceWing of all dragons to be my first friend err- no offense."

"None taken."

"They were always so hostile at the queen meetings. Mothe- I mean Queen Glory always said they were so hostile and rude." She mentally slapped herself for her slip-up. As she coiled her tail around her talons, she saw Winter notice the light at the end of her tail. She was amused at this.

"It's some of the fluid inside RainWing scales. The scales are originally translucent which covers the glow but for some reason, the last scale on my tail is transparent instead so it glows like a light. Just like a Firefly." She explained.

"Oh, that's how you got your name." She nodded 

"Wait..." He eyed her suspiciously. "Didn't the RainWings have a list of names instead of naming their dragonets themselves?" She laughed nervously.

"My parents were..important let's say. And I wasn't raised along with everyone else." It was kind of true in a way if you thought about it.

"Didn't you say your father was an assassin? And he's a RainWing?" Luckily Moon came to her rescue. 

"Firefly!! Let's go!! We do.. uhmm... important stuff" 

"Oh right, that important stuff." She faked remembering while mouthing, "Thank You". "Right. Sorry, Winter. Gotta go!" 

"Ohmygosh that was close." she breathed a sigh of relief. 

"He almost figured you out over there"

"Figured what out?" A new voice questioned as Qibli stepped out of the crowd. 

"Can I tell him?" Moon asked

"On a scale of one to 10, how much do you trust him?"

"eleven" was Moon's reply.

"I'll tell him"

"Tell me what?" Qibli repeated.

"I'm a hybrid." She blurted.

"RainWing..." He looked at her scales closely.

"Nightwing." She finished 

"Oh I was wondering about how you're dad was an assassin. I thought RainWings didn't have assassins."

"Well, they do now." She corrected. "My dad trains them but not as well as he trains me." Qibli's eyes widened. 

"A NightWing training RainWings? Last time I check only one NightWing had full access to the rainforest and that was OH MY GOSH! You're not saying.."

"Hello, I'm Princess Firefly of the RainWings and NightWings, daughter of Queen Glory and ex-assassin, Deathbringer."


"I thought Moonbli was your OTP"

"Sorry, not sorry." He grinned at Moon. She grinned back 

"y'know... you remind me of my parents"

"YEESH. Sorry Moon, but that is not how I want our relationship to go. I mean not like that-"

"I get what you mean Qibli it's okay." At that very moment, Sunny came running in.

 "Firefly could you go down to the rainforest and get your mother she has a queen meeting and you are supposed to be there to bring some friends along with Glo- Oops I mean your mother could use some...witnesses. "

"They know"

"Qibli too?" Firefly nodded.  

"Let's get Kink, Winter, Turtle and, Umber and bring them along." Moon suggested. They all agreed and decided to split up to find them easily. Moon would find Kink and Turtle, Qibli would find Umber and that left her to get Winter. 

She finally found the pale blue dragon in his and Qibli's sleeping cave. "Winter" she beckoned him "Me, Moon, Qibli, Kink, and maybe Turtle and Umber are going to the rainforest to mo-Queen Glory so we can attend a queen meeting. Wanna come?" He looked dazed.

"uh yeah sure"

And they flew off to the entrance cave where they met Moon, Qibli, Turtle, and Kink. "Umber didn't want to come" Moon explained. 

"Okay. Well, let's go!"


Let's go!!! 

Word count:


         Thank you,


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