Chapter 15

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"Hello everyone! Welcome back! Or for those of you that are new, welcome to our school." Tsunami greeted warmly. "Why don't we all share something about ourselves? Qibli, how about you go first!" All eyes turned to the SandWing. "My name is Qibli, I am an advisor to queen Thorn much like you to Glory, Firefly." He chuckled and Firefly had a discreet memory of seeing him at a queen meeting. He thought she was an advisor. "And I'm in love with Moon." he finished with an apologetic smile at the unfamiliar Mudwing "I'll go next" Winter volunteered. "My name is Winter, I like scavengers" She quickly turned on her mind-reading. Did she think that was cool does she like scavengers? She could hear him think. "Winter! you forgot your Skyfire!" Moon reminded "Oh well that's okay." She wondered who he wanted to impress. Probably Moon, it seems like she was his type. And so are you. Moon's thoughts rang 

Am not! Firefly thought back and she turned off her mind-reading. "And I like fighting" Firefly found herself turning her telepathy on again Does she like fighting? She seems like the type to like fighting. GAH, I CAN'T BELIEVE I LIKE A RAINWING! 

See!? Moon thought.

Could be Kink. Firefly argued.

I am rolling my eyes at you right now.

He doesn't know anything about me.

I'm still shipping you two


Her thoughts settled down as Tsunami said; "Thank you, Winter. Firefly! How, about you go next." 

"Okay... My name's Firefly. I like fighting and My father's an assassin."

"Oh wow do you like.. you know uhmmm assassinate dragons?" Asked the jittery SeaWing next to Kink.

"No, but I could. If they mess with me." The SeaWing sighed in relief. "Okay, I'll go next. My name is Turtle. I am Tsunami's brother, and I'm an animus." 

"I'm Umber-" The MudWing started, just then the bell rang "OKAY! OFF TO THE PRAY CENTER!" She heard Tsunami's booming voice echo. As they flew down, Moon sidled closer 

"He does"

"Does not"

"Does too"

"Does not"


"What's going on?" Kink asked. "We're discussing Firefly and, Winter's love life." Moon incorrectly explained. 

"Ooh, they are so cute together!"

"Not you too!" Firefly whined.

"Okay. If you're that sure, let's place a bet." Ominous.


"If he brings you something to eat, he likes you. If not I'll admit he doesn't."

"Oh, you're on!"

As she, Moon and, Kink sat down, Winter walked up to them. "Hi Firefly." He started nervously. "Do you want some polar bear I caught this morni- Oh wait I'm sorry I forgot RainWings don't eat meat. uhmm.. I'll go get some berri-"

"I'd love some polar bear. I eat meat."

"Oh, you do? You do!" he echoed. "Told, ya" Moon whispered in Firefly's ear. She rolled her eyes. "Fine" she admitted before heading off with Winter.


Winterfly is adorable! Don't ya think guys?

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