Quickstrike's Return Part 2

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Deathbringer was following Glory, as always. "Deathbringer, I don't need suntime, I'm not lazy."

"Yes you do and having suntime is not being lazy."

"Well then, why don't you try it."

"Okay then." She flew into her hammock, as Deathbringer laid down on the floor next to it. Almost immediately she heard rain. But she didn't feel it. She slowly opened her eyes, to find Deathbringer shielding her with his wings.

"Sshh just sleep"

"I'm not a dragonet and we can just go inside. There isn't any sun right now anyways."

"Fine. Let's go." He surrendered. Just as he did, the sky cleared up. "Nevermind."

"Ugh! Who's side are you on, sky!?"

"Mine. Didn't you notice?" She responded to the comment by smacking his nose.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"No I don't" he frowned, though Glory wasn't sure why.

"Just go to sleep"

"Fine." She closed her eyes and started shivering. She wrapped her wings around herself. A black, blanket of stars wrapped around her, and lifted her up. Then the wing gently lowered Glory to its owner. Deathbringer looked down at her. And wrapped his wings around her reluctantly. Noticing her reaction he kept them there as Glory fell asleep in his arms.

"Glory, I brought you Guav-"

"Sshhhhhhhh" Deathbringer shushed Jambu. "She's sleeping" Jambu registered what he was seeing. His sister- sleeping in Deathbringer's wings.

"YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! MY SHIP IS SAILING!!!!!!!!!!" That woke Glory up faster than you could say, "Piling Pineapples." She jumped up and tripped over Deahtbringer's wing.

"You saw nothing"

"Whatever you say, Your majesty" Jambu mock-bowed.

"Thank you for the guavas, Jambu. You may now go."

"Queen Glory! Queen Glory! We have an emergency."


"It's "act like someone else" day, and we don't know who to act like!" Glory rolled her eyes.

"Heliconia, You act like Lianna. Lianna, You act like Pineapple. Pineapple, You act like Paradise. And Paradise, You should act like, Heliconia" Glory finished. "Now that that "Crisis" has been averted, go and actually do something."

"Yes your majesty." They flew away.

Glory laid back down in her hammock and Deathbringer hung by his tail on a tree branch on top of her. He was going to kiss her! She fought the pink, threatening to burst through her scales, when she heard cracking. Great another moment ruined by Deathbringer's clumsiness. She quickly leaped off of the hammock and he fell on it.

"Well that was close."

"And careless of you."

"Was not, that could have happened to anyone."

"No, it would only happen to you." He sighed in mock defeat and stepped back. Then he lunged toward Glory knocking her down, preventing a disk from slitting her neck. "Phew that was close"

"You couldn't bother to say thank you?"

"Oh thank you, my all wonderful, all handsome bodyguard for saving my life."

"You're welcome, it's my job, and I'm glad to see you agree." He turned back. "Now, do you happen to have any idea who sent that disk?" She shook her head. "Stay here." He ordered and flew off.

"I'M THE QUEEN! I GIVE YOU ORDERS HERE! I'M THE ONE WITH THE POWER! NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!" She trailed after him. Deathbringer was frozen stiff and had a face that looked confused, sad, joyous, and betrayed, all at the same time.



BAM! dropped it! ultimate moment of suspense!

What do you think I should do next?

                        yours truly,


The Dragon's Realm ~Glorybringer~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora