Chapter 9

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"Deathy, how are we supposed to tell the others?" He smirked. 

"I have a plan"

"Oh please don't tell me it's Tru- " 

"th or Dare!" he finished. 


"Oh come on i know you love it." Glory threw up her arms in mock surrender. 

"Fine. let's go"

"Ohmygosh yes yes yes! I love Truth or Dare!" replied Sunny.

"Uhhhmmm... sure i guess.... I'll bring Riptide." Tsunami responded.

"Will there be food!? If there's food, I'm in" argued Clay. 

"No, but I will be there." confirmed Peril. 

"I want food," Clay pestered. 

"We'll be there," Peril said. Then muttered, "replaced by food once again."

"Sure we'll be there!" Fatespeaker responded for Starflight.

"See? Easy." Deathbringer reassured. 

"I never said it wasn't easy." 

"Well I'm right anyway." Glory shook her head. 

"I'm the queen. I'm always right." 

"Not true." 

"Oh yeah? Name one time I wasn't" 

"When you said that i wasn't handsome" 

"Yeah. And I'm right." Deathbringer frowned. 

"So you don't love me?" 

"Nope not in the least." Deathbringer rolled his eyes. 

"C'mon let's just go home."

"Oh my gosh Clay stop eating!" Tsunami ordered 

"Can't, it's food." Clay responded with a stuffed mouth. 

"It's going to be ash in a minute if you don't stop." Peril threatened. Clay stopped and stared up at the blazing dragoness.

"You wouldn't do that to me." 

"Try me." Just then Glory swooped down from a nearby tree. 

"Let's start the game." As they settled down, she asked, "Tsunami Truth or Dare?" 

"Dare duh." A toothy grin spread across Glory's face. 

"I dare you to be nice for a day." 

"That means no yelling, bossing, arguing, or murdering," Deathbringer added. 

"NOOOOOOOO" "Anyway... Glory Truth or Dare?" 


"What is something you never told us" Glory took a deep breath. "I need to introduce you to someone."


How do you think they'll react? Read to find out!

               Thank You,


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