Quickstrike's Return Part 3

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A very confused Glory looked between the two. They had similar patterns on the undersides of their wings, and they had the same posture though, Deathbringer's was more graceful while Quickstrike, held more power in her stance. Glory could only remember him mention his mother one time- and that was the day Grandeur died (i'm sorry i had nothing else Deathy could relate to don't murder me) and he told her he knew how it felt to lose someone you loved.

"Stupid dragon, I am not your mother, my son died years ago."

"Quickstrike it's me, Deathbringer" Glory widened her eyes at Deathbringer. He just addressed his mother by name. Wait.. she was an assassin as well. Probably didn't want him to get too attached in case... Her mind blocked out the rest of her thoughts.

"Deathbringer? Is it really you? I thought you were dead."

"Well, I'm up and running now! How are you alive?"

"I was always... oh you thought the lightning killed me."

"Blister killed you. The soldiers even said you were dead."

"Really? I thought they were talking about you. Well, I'm surprised you pulled it off." She noticed Glory. "What's with the eye bleed?" She gestured to Glory.

"SHE IS NOT AN EYE BLEED! THEY ARE JUST COLORS AND I THINK THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL" he calmed himself. "But I suppose that's hard to see for a dragon as shallow as you"

"Deathbringer.." She warned in a tone of authority as she shot him a glare. "She is your mother."


"Deathbringer, remember your place."

"I'm trying to keep you safe."

"By unnecessarily yelling at me?"

"Well, yes it's my job as your bo-"

"Ahem" Quickstrike cleared her throat. "The talking rainbow has a point, Murderbasket."

"If you insult Glory one more ti-wait, Murderbasket? You met the talki-"

"Murderbasket!?" Glory tried to contain her laughter, and dramatically failed. "That's worse than Demig-"

"Don't say it"

"Demigod of Demise" At this, Quickstrike started laughing and Deathbringer gave her a look as if he never saw her laugh before. He probably never has. She realized.

"The talking, what, Deathy?" Glory questioned.

"The talking scavenger." He answered.

"Aren't you afraid of scavengers?" The queen noticed.

"You are!? An assassin, afraid of scavengers!?" At this point Quickstrike was practically rolling on the floor, laughing.

"Well, she's the reason why."

"You said talking scavenger. Do you mean Wren?"

"IT HAS A NAME!?" Deathbringer jumped up and rushed behind Glory.


"No, she's not. But aren't you supposed to be my bodyguard? And here you are running away from scavengers."

"The peacock has a point again." Deathbringer was about to strangle Quickstrike but Glory beat him to it.

"This is no way to address your Queen." Quickstrike's face hardened.


"Yes. I am Queen Glory of the RainWings and NightWings."

"And the Queen of Deathbringer," Deathbringer added.

"You're a NightWing" Glory argued.

"Not really." Glory shrugged. He had a point.

"And he's your bodyguard?" Glory nodded "Wow must be an important mission." she said.

"Actually, Deathbringer was supposed to kill me," Glory corrected. "But he didn't" Quickstrike tilted her head to the side.

"And why is that so?"


How is Deathbringer going to find a way out of the question without confessing?? Find out!

Still alive,


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