Quickstike's Return Part 9

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Hey guys! Before I start off, I'd like to thank you all for your support and we are almost up to 500 readers!!! Also please take note that I would NEVER EVER kill Deathbringer since he's my favorite character and also my OTP is Glorybringer! How dare y'all accuse me of doing such a crime!!!!!! This chapter is dedicated to Sandstormpurr!


"No. nonononono!" That was Glory! The love of his life, and she thought he was dead! "Glory I'm here! See? Look at me!" Oh, how he wished the mirror worked both ways. He wished he could tell Glory he was alright and how he was going to find her. 

"Hello, son" A voice echoed outside the cave.

"Don't call me that, traitor!"

"Oh, I'm the traitor now? Last time I checked, it was you who betrayed the tribe." Quickstrike's patient voice stated. Her forked tongue slithered in and out of her mouth as she spoke. "Oh also, you might want to check your mirror right now." He looked down no see Glory's smoke circling a black one. Not a Nightwing, he recognized but, a very dark Rainwing. Suddenly, the dark whisp of smoke leaned in and attacked Glory! Wait no, They were kissing! Not on his watch! Never. EVER.

"I'm coming Glory, I promise"   


Sorry that it was short but.... it's close to the end of the Quickstrike's Return section!!!!!!



The Dragon's Realm ~Glorybringer~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant