The Queen's Meeting

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Hello everyone! I am temporarily closing the "Quickstrike's Return" section. I apologise for stopping at a cliffhanger, but I have been cursed with writer's block, and cannot continue without a good plot. I promise I will get back to it, but in the meanwhile, enjoy Firefly's experience at the Queen's Meeting.


"Firefly, how old are you?"

"Five" she glanced at Winter, and wondered how old he was. He looked around her age, but she wasn't sure. Moon was four as was Kinkajou. Qibli looked the same age as Winter, and Turtle was 5 as well according to the scrolls. Now that she had thought about it, Shouldn't she have read about Winter? In his defense, she had no scrolls, because she wanted everyone to like her for who she was and not by her rank. Perhaps Winter had a preference as well.

"Five years!? Glory, you've been hiding your dragonet from us for five years!?" Queen Thorn demanded

"She prefers to make an impression on other dragons before they are aware of her bloodline." The SandWing queen looked down at her with a perplexed expression bordering curiosity.

"I can respect that." Her eyes met Qibli's. "And I'm assuming you were aware of this?" He nodded. She let out a sigh. "Firefly, we have a tradition when we are introduced to a new heir. We play Truth or Dare!"

"Hey that rhymed," Qibli noticed.

They all sat in a circle near the stronghold, and Thorn spoke.

"Qibli, Truth or Dare?"


"I Dare you to.." she whispered something in his ear and he nodded.

"What did she say?" Moon questioned.


"Qibli? Are you mad at me?"


"I think this is the Da-"

"PAPAYAS!!!" Qibli interrupted. Thorn burst out laughing and Glory soon joined her, followed by Deathbringer. Firefly sighed. This was going to be a long day.


Sorry about the boring chapter folks, I decided to do Quickstrike's Return Part 5 for the next chapter!

             Full of excitement,


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