Chapter 18

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"Hello RainWings and NightWings. I am Firefly one of you're fellow tribe mates. In order of the queen, Grandeur will be in charge of the kingdom until Queen Glory returns from her meeting." Firefly recited, as quick as she could. As she stepped off the stage, Winter walked up to her. As he did, she flinched. Even though she had forgiven Winter she still didn't trust him as much and, she wasn't comfortable being around him. The truth was, she liked him. She knew he dint like her back no matter how much she hoped he did.

"Firefly, Can I talk to you for a second." She nodded, reluctantly and led him to the royal pavilion. "Look I need advice. There's someone I've been noticing-" Another dragon? She knew he was thinking of someone the day she met him but, he never admitted it out loud before. She hoped they were just mixed feelings but now, as he said it, her heart began to sink. 

"Does she like you?" He shook his head. Of course that's why he's crying. She pushed aside her jealousy and decided to help him after all she wanted to make him happy

"What does she look like?" She asked.

"Well she's about you're height, and is beautiful, tough, sarcastic, smart, and courageous."

"Who is she? Maybe I can help. I swear to god when I find her I'm going t-" She was cut off by him kissing her. This caught her so off guard she practically fell on him, trying to regain her balance. Soon she softened, and melted into the kiss, closing her eyes and cupping her talons around his cheeks. She loved how soft his snout was and when they finally pulled away, she felt cold. like he needed to kiss him again for his warmth. She leaned against his shoulder and twined her tail around his.

"It's you" he breathed, The words made her heart flutter.He loves me! Me! 

"I love you too Igloo-face." He frowned. 

"I thought we stopped that."

"Well you thought wrong." she remarked, mimicking his expression. They grinned at each-other and he said, 

"You're beautiful, Fire-" 

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" a high, squeaky, familiar voice yelped.

"Kink! I thought we agreed to be quiet and watch" Moon scolded. Suddenly a panic spread across Firefly's mind. 

"Uhm.. how many dragons saw that?" 

"Just us." Moon and Kink replied in unison

"And me!" Qibli popped out of the tree.

"We'll leave you two lovebirds on your own."

"Well. That ruined a perfectly good moment" Winter complained. All Firefly could do was laugh, but in the heart of that laugh, she found something she didn't have before, Love.

"Firefly? You there?" Her eyes shot open. 


OMG so sorry for the sap guys! I hope you enjoyed though. Just to clarify this is not part of the story, Firefly dreamt it all. Sorry I couldn't update much Winter break ended and I don't have as much time to write. I promise i'll try to update though! Bye!!

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